Courtesy Drew Heyen; Add over seven trillion dollars to the - TopicsExpress


Courtesy Drew Heyen; Add over seven trillion dollars to the national debt, Moron Blaming Obama for the National Debt (in part or whole) is like blaming the people seated at a given table, in a restaurant, for the people who sat there before them and left without paying. EXACTLY the SAME. Federal Budget - The amount of money spent by the government in any given year. Federal Deficit - The amount MORE spent by the Federal Government, than taken in revenue in any given year (effected by revenue AND the budget) National Debt - Debt incurred by PAST deficit spending. The Federal Budget, under POTUS Obama: Comparing the Federal Budget to the GDP is dishonest. They should USUALLY be related, however circumstances where the national GDP decreases, do not cause the generic needs of the nation to decrease. Thus, without spending a single additional dime, the ratio between the Budget and the GDP can be used to FALSELY create the appearance of increased spending, where there is none. EG. I am purchasing a house, and for the sake of simplicity, lets say that my house payments are $500 a month. Then one day I lose my job. My decreased income has no effect on the payment I make to my house, or the value I receive FROM that payment. Im not spending ANY MORE on my house payments AFTER I lose my job, than I was before, BUT the ratio of my income, to my spending gives the false impression that I am spending more. YOU WOULD NEVER CALCULATE SPENDING IN THIS WAY! NEVER! You also cant really evaluate the Federal budget by comparing real numbers. The Nation is Growing (Thats a good thing). Our economy is growing (also a good thing). The bills to keep our nation functioning will also grow. Also SOME inflation is the inevitable result of a growing economy. If the value of a given dollar is decreasing, then a larger budget does not inherently show an increase in spending. In order to find SOME relative way to compare the spending of any given administration, a man by the name of Rex Nutting, came up with as good a formula as anyone has. Compare the budget, at any given time, to the budget immediately prior to it.Now OF COURSE there will be inflation and general growth of the nation from one budget to another, HOWEVER the relative change in inflation and growth between ANY two consecutive budgets will be PRETTY similar. Thus averaging these two budgets together gives you AS REALISTIC a comparison of Spending as you will ever achieve. What did Mr. Nutting find? That Obama has spent less than any POTUS since Eisenhower. marketwatch/story/obama-spending-binge-never-happened-2012-05-22 All there in black and white. If that doesnt toot your whistle, how about a little look at Government spending PER CAPITA: krugman.blogs.nytimes/2012/06/03/1937-2/?_r=0 Government cutbacks not seen since post Korean war demobilization. The Federal Deficit under POTUS Obama: OK, so how has this less spending effected the Federal Deficit? Well, lets see. The House and the Senate voted to pass the 2009 budget on June 4-5, 2008. President Bush signed off on all of it. The 2009 Federal Deficit was $1.4 Trillion Dollars foxnews/politics/2009/10/07/budget-deficit-hit-record-trillion/ ...Obama was elected in November and didn’t take office until January 21. That’s almost a full four months after the 2009 fiscal year, with its 2009 budget, started. What is the deficit now? – That’s easy. Go to the CBO’s page and look. the Congressional Budget Office is nonpartisan. They have to be, anyone can check their math and partisan games would be outed immediately. So here it is. Ready? If the current laws that govern federal taxes and spending do not change, the budget deficit will shrink this year to $845 billion, or 5.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), its smallest size since 2008. Is $845 Billion more or less than $1.4 Trillion? All of this was effected by two things. The relative decrease in spending, AND the increase in GDP. The National Debt, under POTUS Obama: OK. So now we have some relative numbers concerning the Budget and the Deficit. Where did the Debt come from? Well, it came from Deficit Spending. The Debt is the result of spending money that we dont have. According to the CBO, the spending that created our current Deficit, looks a lot like this. upworthy/the-complete-guide-of-what-to-blame-for-our-debt-problem-brought-to-you-by-math?g=2 Of course it isnt REALLY all that simple. Lets say I own a business, and it is a successful business, but external factors give me a bad year? Now my business is operating in the red. Is selling off all of my corporate assets, for less than I currently owe, in debt, a solution to my current problem? Dont let anyone who says Yes run a business. No, you look at the situation, and you think practically about what things are costing you the most, and giving the least results, but you keep what you need to DO business. You keep what is yielding good results. There is a lot of discussion about what that may or may not be. For example, it is pretty hard to logically justify a Defence budget that is larger than the next 15 National Defence Budgets in the world (most of whom are our allies) added together, but all of that is a different discussion. Suffice it to say, that reducing our federal budget in a blanket manner, in unprecedented amounts is a bad idea, and certainly could not ever be described as Conservative. Thanks buddy
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:55:36 +0000

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