Cousin Brucie Breaking News: We interrupt however you are - TopicsExpress


Cousin Brucie Breaking News: We interrupt however you are wasting your time on the web for this Cousin Brucie Awkward Moment, which is brought to you by “You Cannot be Sirius”. --------------------- Hi Folks, This is John McEnroe live, interrupting yet again for “You Cannot Be Sirius”. As I was driving to one of my tennis broadcasting rackets a short time ago, a guy who I’ll call Cuz from Canada called Cousin Brucie (The Cuz) on Sirius XM Satellite Radio Channel 6, their “clever” designation for 60’s song programs. ;) ;) They’re “BRILLIANT”! Actually, it was a rebroadcast of a recent program. The Cuz has been a DJ since the 50’s, and knows EVERYBODY who was even a 1/32 ANYBODY in the pop music biz for several decades, and is not exactly a clone of me, even if he ever went back to the future. I’m serving up whatever I can remember, so some it may be a bit balled up. The Cuz: So Cuz, you’re up In Canada. What city do you live in? Cuz: Regina The Cuz: Regina? Is that in Saskatchewan? Cuz: Yes it is. The Cuz: Well, the old brain kicks in once in a while! Cuz: Yeah, we call it Regina, the City that Rhymes with Fun! The Cuz: You mean it rhymes with the sun or something??? Cuz: No. It’s the city that RHYMES WITH FUN!! The Cuz (After a very brief pause while his brain kicked again, The Cuz proceeded right on with his chitchat about the weather in Canada or whatever.): So what song are you requesting? Cuz: (Unfortunately I was so “SHOCKED”, and was rushing to go to our remote broadcasting system that has a only remote chance of working, that I didn’t hear what he said.) The Cuz: Do you want to dedicate it to anyone? Cuz: No. I think I better not do that! The Cuz: Yeah, sometimes that’s a good idea. Well, I just thought that a lot of you folks would like to know a little about Regina, Saskatchewan. Now I’ll toss it back to Al, The Plumber of the Depths of Lunacy in the institution, I mean studio, so until my next, no doubt soon, interruption, this is John McEnroe shutting up briefly for “You Cannot Be Sirius”. -------------------------------- P.S. Hi, this is Al the Plumber. I thought that some of you racketeers might like this bit of trivia from Sirius XM Satellite Radio Channel. (Yes, you got it, that’s the 80’s!) Q: Who is the best tennis doubles team in the world? A: John McEnroe and ANYONE! AND --- 30 years later, it still might be pretty much true!!! https://google/search?sclient=psy-ab&q=cousin+brucie&oq=cousin+brucie&gs_l=serp.3...741735.747706.3.748596.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.59568121%2Cd.eW0%2Cpv.xjs.s.en_US.1EneOJbgwUk.O&biw=1314&bih=646&ech=1&psi=NxTcUrT2HYzMkAe5pIH4Bg.1390154807172.8&emsg=NCSR&noj=1&ei=M3PcUru1ItLKsQSqqoCQCQ ------------------ Note: Any of 1,000,000,000,000,000 pages of shyster contracts may apply to the rebroadcast, redistribution, recycling, etc. of this crap. However, they got mixed in with A-Rod’s MLB drug racket, his own tests that he bribed away from the testing company, etc., and the whereabouts could be anywhere in our out of any omphaloskeptic dirt. Anyway, disirregardless how long you contemplate my contemptible self’s stuff, it will be beneath, below, bed, bath, and beyond contemplation and contempt. Al, The Plumber of the Depths of Lunacy Twitter: @Al_the _Plumber
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 03:15:10 +0000

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