Cowboy Psalms I don’t know in history who spoke the first - TopicsExpress


Cowboy Psalms I don’t know in history who spoke the first poem Maybe God, when He said, “Let there be light” Reckon that was it and the part about Separating the day from the night Since the beginning of the spoken word A lot of poetry has came down the trail From sonnets to epics and airy odes Poems that sing and some that wail Now I don’t know where the cowboy fits in With the likes of Shakespeare, Sandburg or Frost That’s Robert not Lane to set the record straight But who knows what rhymes he could have tossed Not sure why the Lord inspired the cowboy To trying his luck at this literary art Coupling meter, time and wording Phrases from the mind and the heart It seems natural for someone with a perspective To want to spin stories and make up rhyme About the places and people he has seen And note his place in the vastness of time Cowboy poetize ‘bout most any subject From cow patties to stampedes or fencin’ He’ll talk about his horse and his sweetie Times he rode the bull and times he didn’t Cowography and ode to a cactus flower Bad men, bad women and bad weather Good days, good dogs and good country Arguments about which saddles are better Some cowpokes ain’t got nothing better to do Than to start gathering some loose words And herding them into just the right corral Like the slickest thing you’ve ever heard Roping those verbs, articles and nouns Dragging them up into their proper space Sorting and penning with a keen eye Until they fit into just the right place My favorites are full of detail and color And they roll off the lips just like songs Next to the Good Book, guess you could say I am quite partial to those cowboy psalms From Cowboy Psalms, copyright 2011, Tate Publishing
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:03:51 +0000

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