Craig McKee is a really good guy who I sometimes disagree with on - TopicsExpress


Craig McKee is a really good guy who I sometimes disagree with on some things. I post this with some reservations- I really detest all the in-fighting and dont want to contribute to it. I want to see a lot more unity in the movement. I do my best to steer clear of the endless arguments. I think that it frequently reaches absurd proportions and amazing levels of immaturity. But, I have no doubt that this is a factual account, its well written, and while Id like to find a less confrontational way of addressing the infighting and wrong doing, I doubt that one can be found, so Ill post it and hope that it does good and not harm. To be honest, I have sometimes been guilty of attacking or not having enough patience with new folks who have bought disinfo. I think that we can all work on being more civil and patient and not jumping to conclusions regarding motives or bad intentions vs just being misled or using faulty reasoning. I am also a supporter of CIT and no plane crash at the Pentagon, btw. I was also banned at Blogger for promoting those positions. Ill go a step further and say that I have no doubt that the controversy has been purposefully manufactured by our adversaries and has worked wonderfully from their standpoint. Because of this, I often avoid the topic altogether, so as to not play into their hands, not get mired in something they intend for me to get mired in. 9/11 is a pretty vast field, and theres no shortage of compelling things to focus on. If our enemies are focusing on using the Pentagon as a division wedge to increase in-fighting and break us up, we might do well to ignore it. Theres plenty else we can use... https://truthandshadows.wordpress/2015/01/25/can-largest-911-facebook-forum-rise-above-ridicule-insults-and-contrived-controversies/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:54:20 +0000

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