Crawling...done! Whats next dad? Want to know why our son is - TopicsExpress


Crawling...done! Whats next dad? Want to know why our son is conquering crawling at only 5 months old? Well, its a combination of diet (nutrient rich breast milk from a naturally and holistically healthy mom), lifestyle (the adventurous way we live that presents awesome opportunities for growth even for babies), and most importantly... **GRAVITY!** While most modern parents have their babies in bouncy seats, rockers, swings and other contraptions... ...which are designed to make mom and/or dads life easier, rather than to help with a babys development (and, in fact, actually hinder their development)! We dont use ANY of that stuff and instead allow our kids to do what nature intended... ...which is to struggle and push their limits against resistance and build their strength against the natural force of gravity with lots of tummy time and balance exercise! Think about how many areas of your life have been made easier by technology, gadgets, and contraptions while at the same time weakening your natural ability. For example, I usually have a great memory and amazing sense of direction, but thanks to my smart phone... Thanks to the contacts app on my smart phone, I cant remember a phone number to save my life and... ...and because I heavily use the GPS app (mostly just to calculate travel time) I cant find my way out of a paper bag anymore! We must use technology to empower and not to weaken our kids... ...and making it easier for them very often results in their development take much longer and their life being much harder in the long run. If you want to learn more about how to raise your kids powerfully from conception through the first 6 years of life and beyond... ...then go check this out --> https://m.facebook/story.php?story_fbid=4618185069048&id=1725298916 Your adventure awaits...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:17:10 +0000

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