Crazy Comrade Uncle Joe Attempts To Undermine Dear Leader By - TopicsExpress


Crazy Comrade Uncle Joe Attempts To Undermine Dear Leader By Announcing Racist Statement That He Wants To Take Back America ...From Democrats! Upsetting news comrades! We may be witnessing a coup détat taking place right before our very collective eyes against our beloved and cherished forever Emperor of all things Utopia. Either that, or Americas National Treasure, Uncle Joe Biden has been replaced by a racist, double crossing imposter! Id rather believe its the latter. What could be an evil teabagger Rethuglikkan doppelganger has been substituted for the loyal Vice Premier of all things silliness: Uncle Joe Bumbles Biden, who was last seen skinny dipping as part of the witness protection program. This evil Joe stood in front of a union workers crowd of 250,000 (represented by 200 paid to attend and applaud on cue) in The Workers Paradise of Detroit on Labor Day and uttered the racist dog-whistle ...we have to take our country back. m.nationalreview/corner/386799/biden-uses-take-back-america-phrase-obama-and-holder-think-racist-joel-gehrke Our Dear and Gracious Forever Leader (Peace be upon him) and his Attorney Minister of Injustice General were both offended once they read about it Tuesday in the papers. Minister of Social Injustice (Eric Holder) was first to react: You know, people talking about taking their country back. . . . There’s a certain racial component to this for some people. thehill/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/212082-holder-sees-racial-animus-in-opposition Next, Our Dear Leader of Utopia (B. Hussein Obama) commented on this travesty from the Royal Command Center on the Ninth Hole of the Bowling Greens Country Club, (via US News) A guest suggested that when Tea Party activists said they wanted to ‘take back’ their country, their real motivation was to stir up anger and anxiety at having a black president, and Obama didnt dispute the idea. He agreed that there was a ‘subterranean agenda’ in the anti-Obama movement — a racially biased one — that was unfortunate. But he sadly conceded that there was little he could do about it. usnews/news/articles/2011/03/02/obama-says-race-a-key-component-in-tea-party-protests?page=3 This is terrible news for the collective, comrades! We must get to the bottom of this and put a stop to it ASAP before the November reassignment of new commanders takes place in Leningrad D.C. Anyone with information is urged to contact the White Kremlin immediately! Here: or...Here: or.. Here: or... Here: or... Here: itsmarta/police/see-something.aspx Bring back our Crazy Uncle Joe, Now!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:18:52 +0000

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