Crazy/Interesting/Upliftingish story which i must share... IM - TopicsExpress


Crazy/Interesting/Upliftingish story which i must share... IM REALLY CHEAP..better yet.. lets say frugal so when i found out that 99cents only (west coast) had fresh vegetables i was like i must check this out. SOO..on my way to the closest 99centsOnly i was like nahh.. decided to go to the larger one a bit further away. I was there for maybe 3-4 minutes when my guitarist points out that theres a lady on the floor hunched over in the fetal position with people just staring at her. I started to walk up to her slowly and sternly said Miss are you ok? Nothing. Miss are you ok? Nothing....BIIGGG gasp of air... stops breathing OK.. so i look to the people around her and ask if anyone has called 911. The store manager looks at me like i asked her if they sold $300 champagne and says no. I take my phone, dial 911, follow instructions from the paramedics till they arrive. MIRACULOUSLY (lies...nothing is a coincidence) a nurse walked through the door, saw what was going down, and b-lined it straight to her and between my guitarist (a godsend), the nurse and myself, tried to get her breathing normally. Now the group of people has grown. We have i would say about 5-7 ladies and 3 gents all around trying to help. One brings cold water from the freezer, one brings a bag of ice, one says Maybe she needs sugar which wasnt the brightest suggestion since she was unconscious but had good intentions. The paramedics arrived and cleared the area and to be honest, i have no idea what happened to the girl because i didnt want to stand around watching. All i know is... Its not that people dont want to help others or have lost their sense of compassion/humanity, its that we are all either: 1) too scared (i.e., she could have had ebola, she could have something else contagious, she blah blah blah blah.. then dont give them mouth to mouth Einstein) 2) are waiting for someone, anyone to take the first step to show us how to help one another This girl would have definitely, without a doubt died if we hadnt stepped in as she was only gasping for air every minute or so when we got to her and no one was doing anything. All we did was take the initiative to help someone who obviously needed help and within minutes, the entire store was helping this one girl. I still have tons of faith in humanity and you should too. That is all.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:46:22 +0000

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