Crazy how people want to spread dirt on people and say horrible - TopicsExpress


Crazy how people want to spread dirt on people and say horrible and awful things. Things that someone might have entrusted to them. I know my past and I havent always made positive choices, and I havent always been the best person. Many times I didnt make the right choice. Many times I have entrusted my past or things I have done with friends to have prayer partners-- or just to get something off my chest. If someone wants to take my past or my choices that I entrusted to them as a friend--and spread them on face book just to RUIN ME. then go for it. Because I can use it a tool to turn around for something good and positive. Our church has been trying to go with the movement of being Christ Like-- not hiding under the term Christian. But I encourage anyone who is threatening they have dirt on me to go ahead and blast it. Go a head and try to ruin me with saying something bad about me-- hopefully my story will help others and encourage someone to do right and act right. Not everyone in Facebook Land might understand our decisions, and our choices. You might look at us and judge our living arrangements or the reason we have decided to physically live the way we do more or less communal family style-- so go ahead. Tell my dirt. Ruin me. It will do nothing but make me stronger-- and I will continue to try my best to help others-- and focus on trying to be Christ Like-- because your selfish act to hurt me and my family or ruin us-- in not only trashy-- it is very un-Christ-Like for some who proclaims Christianity. I will continue to do my best to LOVE ONE ANOTHER~ judge me all you want for that. My family and my extended family and I have made our choices for a reason. And we feel that the decisions we have made are to try to raise and help raise contributing members of society that in return will tell the tale of LOVE, PEACE and Forgiveness.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:36:33 +0000

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