Create Your Own Miracle Using The Power Of Visualization: Join - TopicsExpress


Create Your Own Miracle Using The Power Of Visualization: Join 4wingStudios - YouTube channels: https://youtube/user/midirium https://youtube/user/subconsciousprograms - Website: - Web Store: https://sellfy/midirium - Contact: midirium@yahoo Need a miracle in your life? Perhaps you just might be able to create one using your own ability to imagine and visualize. While the first place to start may well be with your own thinking, theres more work to do if you want that miracle to arrive. Not all miracles are perfect, nor do they come packaged like in the movies. However, if youre willing to use your own imagination and back it up with the requisite work, miracles do occur. The first step toward finding out if youre on the miracle list is your own willingness to sign up for the possibility! A lot of facts provide compelling evidence of the power of holding a positive focus and doing the work necessary to back it up. Positive thinking alone doesnt work unless combined with positive action. But how do you take positive action without having some kind of positive outcome in mind? Positive thinking is not sitting around wishing things were different or pretending that things are just peachy when they may actually suck. You need to add focus, perseverance and hard work, as they are all part of the process. Our ability to visualize and see your goals in your minds eye before they become a reality is one of the most powerful faculties that you have for achieving financial success. There is a one-to-one relationship between the clarity of the picture in your mind and how rapidly your goal comes into reality. Create clear mental pictures of your ideal lifestyle. Project forward and see yourself two or three years ahead, then look back to the present day and ask yourself, what steps would you have taken to get from here, where you are today, to where you want to be in two to three years? Visualize all possible ways to achieve your goal. This is called causative thinking. Close your eyes and think of the various things you could do step by step to enable you to achieve your goals. Your subconscious mind is activated by your mental pictures. Visualization also activates your superconscious capabilities and releases your mental potential. The more clear the picture is in your mind, the more rapidly your subconscious and superconscious minds go to work to bring it into your reality. There are four factors that determine how rapidly your visualization turns into realization: 1. First is the duration of your visualization. How long can you hold the picture in your mind? 2. Second is the frequency of visualization. How often do you hold that picture in your mind each day? 3. Third is the intensity of visualization. How much emotion is involved in the picture that youre holding in your mind of your goal? 4. And fourth is the vividness of the visualization. How clear is your mental picture? You can increase the speed at which you achieve your goal by increasing the length of the visualization, or holding the picture longer, increasing the frequency by visualizing more often during the day, increasing the intensity by generating more emotion to go with the picture and by increasing the clarity or the vividness of the picture. The way you do this is to play and replay the picture of your goals on the screen of your mind. The more you visualize, the more intensely you will desire your goal and the less you fear failure and rejection and the possible risks that are involved. Creative visualization deepens your belief that your goals are attainable. It increases your self-confidence. It increases your courage and it increases your faith in yourself. The more often you replay the picture of your desired future in your mind, the more unstoppable you become. Heres a technique you can use to aid in visualization. Its called MIND MOVIES. It contains your goal or even pictures of yourself in the middle of your goal. Take time regularly to sit and look at that movie over and over again. Feed your mind with the images. Let your mind photograph all those words and pictures consistent with the goal that you desire. Images of affluence, pictures of the car that you want, the home that you want, pictures that have amounts of money written on them cut out from magazines and newspapers. Anything that stimulates your subconscious mind by imprinting on it a picture of what you desire starts to move you rapidly toward the accomplishment of your goal and starts to move your goal toward you. Now, here are two things you can do to make visualization work for you in achieving financial success. 1. First, create a clear mental picture of what your goal or lifestyle would look like if it had already been accomplished. Take pictures and cuttings from magazines and newspapers and create a poster covered with pictures and images of your desired goals. 2. Second, repeat the picture of your goal over and over throughout the day until it is impressed deeply into your subconscious mind and takes on a power of its own. This repetition unlocks your creativity, builds your confidence and gives you energy all day long. 4wingStudios provides all the necessary tools for anyone can set goals and consistently practive visualizing it at least two times a day. Forget about the old-fashioned way of visualizing by using pictures from newspapers and magazines! Our subliminal programs are designed to help every mind power student to weed the negatives brought by the old thinking patterns and grow the seeds of a totally renewed mind, that will generate only the thoughts you allow it to think. We even take full-time orders for CUSTOMIZED MIND MOVIES, tailored for everyones needs and aspirations and ready to generate the quickest results ever known. Just take a sit in a comfortable chair, find a quiet spot, turn on your device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.), prepare your stereo headphones, play the movie and relax staring at the images with absolutely no intent to understand the meaning of whats happening on the screen or of the sounds/voices/messages that you may hear/decode during the session. Welcome To Your Future! Live It In The Present! midirium
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 07:50:52 +0000

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