Creating Additional Rooms People are taught to argue amongst - TopicsExpress


Creating Additional Rooms People are taught to argue amongst themselves and do the work of keeping each other entrenched in a form of slavery. When someone says something of value, there is no reason to top them. That is part of the game. It is not necessary. If there is fault to find, it is in limiting everyone through needing to one up others. It is actually a way of diminishing everyone. Here is how. When someone says something, it has a vibration to it. It is, in way, an invitation for others to vibrate at that same level. Being in agreement with that statement, is agreeing to vibrate at that level of awareness. If it is a new and positive idea, it raises the vibration of those privy to it. This is the intention of all my posts, to raise the vibration of the reader. The vibration of my posts can be very freeing; as some of you have experienced. When someone reads my posts, many times they dont comment because they may not understand the thought but get a sense of something stirring within them that resonates as truth. Those that have had private sessions with me understand that the posts are opening them up to a greater vibration and sit with a discomfort that it stirs within them. They realize that deep issues are being stirred up to be released, to bring them to a higher truth. Of course, I love hearing that a post has benefited someone and that they feel uplifted by it. This helps me know what kind of posts are most beneficial. Once in awhile someone finds the need to argue a point. They dont necessarily disagree with me but want to say something a bit different. This is a control issue. They want to change the vibration of the exchange; which is, bring it way down to a lower vibratory rate. This is what we do when we argue a point. No one benefits from the original vibration. Another form of control is to put a picture on a post. This is a well meaning gesture saying that there are no worlds. It is kind, but misguided. When some one posts a picture, they are saying that this is what the post conjured in them. The problem is that is leads everyone to that image. It is like taking them down a dead end when everyone was headed beyond the vastness of the mind. Pictures are not the highest form of expression. The unlimited worlds within the imagination are a higher truth. Pictures are many times merely a prettier setting for imprisonment. The spiritual purpose of a picture is to catapult you into the higher dimensions of your mind. But that is what the post had already done. The picture pulled back the reigns. Another thing that people do is put a link to someone else on my posts. It is like saying, your truth is okay but this person really knew truth. It is misguided. Anything that I tap into to write about is meant for the consciousness at hand. It is customized truth for the reader. To lead someone off my page to someone else is leading them astray. Whatever I write is not meant to be galvanized but to open others up to a new room within the reader. So to make it about something tangible is to defeat the purpose of even writing. And to lead the reader to someone else through a link is a total negation of my truth. It is like saying F#@k you to me. Writing, like pictures, can either raise the consciousness of others or take them to a limited room. There needs to be a renaissance of creativity to upgrade the rooms that we all go to. Too much creativity has been corralled by those with an agenda to create rooms that keep us trapped in violence and lower state of consciousness. Or they have been commissioned by those in power to help keep them in power. When one writes without an agenda and with the intent purpose of raising the vibration of humanity, that should be supported by those who also want the advancement of humanity. What we do here is no small feat. Once the higher rooms are forged out of pure intention, they are there for all to advance. Please help me in allowing them to formulate into existence. And thank you so much for supporting and sharing as much as you do. To do so is to quicken the advancement of humanity in this limited room of time and space.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:30:24 +0000

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