Creative thinkers. Its is fundamentally important to utilize the - TopicsExpress


Creative thinkers. Its is fundamentally important to utilize the creativity of the workers opinions who display a unique quality of independent thinking. Utilizing and taking good care of these people may enhance your company resulting in more company returns. We all know that robots can do that tedious job over and over again and take orders. Problem now is that if you retrain/hire completely mindless behaviors in employees you are now the one person who is responsible to correct every mistake and take responsibility for the robot you programed. That said you can no longer blame the employee for their mistakes due to how you programed them. Sure they will be mindless and stop using their brains, but being human the body requires thinking to function. When you take away thinking in the work place you have just succeeded in creating an army of drooling flesh bags that wont understand orders. If you turn employees into mindless robots you are now responsible to think for them. Not sure about you but thinking for an army of people and their every move isnt exactly what I call a winning team. Think about it. Its bad enough dealing with people with out brains but its even worse knowing you retrained or are attempting to retrain them into slobbering sweat bags that drool on their tools. If your going to bond a new relationship with head ache medicine just be prepared to accept being a manager that your everyday coming to wok is going to be a self created disaster and since you created it then you cant be mad at those you trained because after all..... Its what you wanted. Imagine what it will be like coming in a 4:30 an every morning to a gloomy room full of people drooling waiting for your commands. Then to put icing on the cake. You then have to look in the mirror everyday and realize your best achievement resulted in ignorance and head aches. Moral of the story. Dont be a dick and try to control everything. Chances are the employee who thinks for him or her self can make your job not only easier but much more pleasant. Being a manager is noticing particular talents and utilizing them in the most efficient way. Being a manager means you manage. If your job was called Slave driver you would be better of going back a few centuries where that was needed. If you fail to see a talent in others then chances a your going to fail the company. To the manager who fired me. I do not claim to be the best employee in the world, but now that you fired a good employee you are now left to what the broken economy has to offer and your competitors are going to enjoy your mistake. I and others like myself provide you with a service called dedicated worker with ambition that you failed to appreciate . Your now left with the scraps of the work force after driving away your promised workers due to your control issues and ignorance. When a man/woman provides you with a service you respect it. The moment you abuse a good service you are lessening your chances to success and exposing your self to lesser grade of meat. When you trade a grade A steak for rump roast dont complain about how hard it is to chew. Also. You cant force a tree to produce. Your not a wizard and if your expecting magic to happen then I suggest you take action immediately on your own behalf and check in at your nearest Therapist and consider medications. Have a good day and hope your competitors dont laugh at you. :)
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 01:28:08 +0000

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