Credit: Adam Aizenberg, Kyle Fournier & Here is a report - TopicsExpress


Credit: Adam Aizenberg, Kyle Fournier & Here is a report of CM Punk’s appearance at Wizard World Comic-Con in Chicago over the weekend: 11:30 am: First thing. Go Hawks… 11:31 am: CM Punk walks in – que the loud crowd and the Punk chants begin. 11:33 am: Crowd calms down, Punk says hello to the hometown and says to go ahead and ask away. (Before we go further, he brought pizza – 13 pies for everyone there. Our first impression of meeting him was wow no famous person has ever brought us the fans anything. This was gonna be a good day! We don’t remember all the questions but will try our best.) 11:35 am: Question – Are you afraid of Brock Lesnar? Answer: (Crowd moans as he begins to laugh) No, I’m not afraid of him. I’m not afraid of anybody. 11:37 am: Question – What is your favorite experience or memory of the IWA? Answer: (Smiles again, he’s so smiley today) Wrestling against Chris Hero and his buddy Colt. (Here’s where it get’s a little hazy, sorry we were just trying to get a slice of pizza) 11:43 am: Question – Will you ever get the title back? Answer: As soon as I’m finished with Brock and Heyman. 11:45 am: Question – Are you and Heyman friends? Answer: We used to be. (Again he smiles, hey he has an angle to sell right now so good answer) 11:47 am: Question – (Some dumb teen addresses him as Phil starts naming other wrestler’s real names) Response: Umm, guess you haven’t seen one of these before. Well, I guess I brought pizza so were all on a first name basis. He asked the kid his name, says nice, and that was pretty much it. 11:49 am: Question – Do you think Curtis Axel or Lesnar will interfere in your Raw match with Paul Heyman.? Answer: I’d be pretty dumb not thinking that wouldn’t I. He then refers to Admiral Ackbar saying “It’s a trap.” 11:50 am: Question – We just started watching your stuff on youtube with nerdist and could we get a live one right now of to too or two? Answer: If all goes well, more might be on the way and no you can’t get a live one right now, sorry! 11:52 am: Question – (A girl dressed as CM Punk – beard and all) Can I have a hug? Answer: (I immediately screamed give her a damn hug, then a hug it out chant broke) Yes, you can have a hug! 11:55 am: Question – What was your favorite promotion to work at? Answer: I have to say the roster from 2004 ROH was my favorite time. we had so many talented and young wrestlers that were all there at that one time. People like Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, The American Dragon, Colt Cabana, Steve Corino, Roderick Strong, Alex Shelley and so many more that it was just the funnest time ever. 11:58: am: Question – What faction would you have liked to have being in? Answer: (Starts to laugh) I guess the 4 Horseman. I don’t think I’d fit in, but I guess them. 12:00 pm: Question – On today’s roster who would you tag with? Answer: Kofi! 12:02 pm: Question – Who’s your best friend? Answer: (Big smile) Kofi! 12:03 pm: Question – Who would you like to feud with that you haven’t yet? Answer: (Thinks) Dean Ambrose. 12:04 pm: Question – What do you think will happen at the end of Breaking Bad? Answer: (Thinks again) Wow, good question. Every good story has to come to an end, and I’m glad that it’s ending now and not being dragged along like Dexter was for the last four years. I was a fan of Dexter but I just can’t get into it anymore. I think Breaking Bad will end on a good note unlike how the Sopranos ended with everyone going out and it ending so abruptly. I heard people were mad at The Sopranos ending. I don’t know, I never watched a single episode. 12:07 pm: Question – (Straight Edge kid) I live the straight edge lifestyle. What do you say to those who live it, but also may drink a little? Answer: Well. their not really Straight edge. But if you live the lifestyle do it for yourself. Not because of me or anybody. Just do it for yourself. 12:08 pm: Question – What would you have to do to get into the business today? Answer: It’s a lot different now getting into the business. I got into it in a whole different way I guess now you would get into the WWE by going to the new facility that just opened. I know they have tryouts but I don’t know if it’s just open for anybody. 12:11 pm: Question – Do you know any good wrestling schools to go to today? Answer: Umm, if you really want to do it I guess try going to Canada Lance Storm’s school, if you are willing to travel that far do it. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do anything. If you wanna do something do it. 12:10 pm: Question – Are you single? Answer: (Puts head down and just smirks and then starts to shake his head and laugh) I have to see an ID first. No comment. 12:12 pm: Question – What’s the first thing you think about in the morning when you wake up? Answer: (Again shakes head and laughs) I don’t know, umm, I guess I’ll try to keep it PG. I guess wondering if I’m going to get a “workout in.” (Crowd starts to laugh) 12:14 pm: Question – What type of punk music have you been getting into lately? Answer: (Thinks) Well, I haven’t really gotten into any recently. I have been off track for about 12 months. (A crowd names a band to him and tells him to check it out and he seemed interested) 12:16 pm: Question – (Guy asks a question about Daniel Bryan on Raw saying if he was fired he’d be wrestling the next day where ever) Punk, if you were fired, what would you be doing the next day? Answer: I’d go ride my bike! (Crowd laughs) 12:18 pm: Question – Do you track how many miles you run? Answer: I’m so technologically stupid that it’s ridiculous. Like, I tried apps on the phone but I don’t know how to use them I always wonder am I doing it wrong. Now I just go out and time my runs I will go out for 30 or 45 minutes at a time. Normally I can run a ten minute mile so if I run for an hour I did 6 miles. 12:20 pm: Question – If you had to pick three opponents in an Ultimate X match who would they be? Answer: Well uh, what? (Crowd laughs) Question – repeats question Answer: What the hell is that? Question – TNA? Answer: (Crowd boos) Oh, with the ropes above the ring? I’m not trying to pretend I didn’t know what you were talking about. God, huh… no I don’t wanna do that! 12:23 pm: Question – What comic stories or novels are you into right now? Answer: If you haven’t read Saga pick that up (Guy behind the podium says this is the last question coming up right here crowd gets says a Punk says it’s not the last question and now time for the speed round) 12:25 pm: Question – What is your tattoo inspiration process? Answer: I tattoo things on my body that I like. 12:26 pm: Question – Who on the roster now that’s young will have the next big promo in wrestling? Answer: Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, what’s his name Claudio (laughs), I mean Antonio Cesaro. 12:27 pm: Question – (Little girl) How did you become a wrestler? Answer: I went to school to become a wrestler. I know it sounds a little corny, but I learned at a place called Steel Domain. 12:28 pm: Question – If you could go backpacking, traveling, anywhere around the world, where would you go? Answer: Fiji. 12:28 pm: Question – (Older woman) Can I take you out on a date? And if no can I get a hug? Answer: Sorry no repeat questions. (Girl from earlier got a hug) 12:29 pm: Question – (Little boy) Are you gonna be at Battleground? Answer: What is that? (Laughs) Question – The new pay-per-view? Answer: Yes. if it’s a pay-per-view then, yes, I’ll be there. (After being asked some question about whether or not you are the best or gave your best or I don’t know. This one was a bad question. It was the only time the crowd jeered somebody) 12:30 pm: (Response to bad question) Yes I am the best! And I do think I’ve given my best. I feel like I achieved that at WrestleMania. 12:31 pm: Question – (Smaller girl not like the older girl) Can I get a hug? Answer: Yes! (Crowd laughs) 12:32 pm: Question – What’s your favorite scary movie? Answer: Halloween (John Carpenter). And also Marine 3! (Crowd laughs) 12:33 pm: Question – What do you think about fans who get tattoos for you? Answer: That’s intense, that’s wild and I know there’s probably a few in the room right now. I know in the past I used creepy, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Like I get it I have tattoos of my friends, I’d be a hypocrite to say don’t do it. If that’s what you are into it just makes me take a step back and say whoa, cuz you know to me you guys just have to realize I’m just a kid from Chicago you know what I mean. So if you get me tattooed on your body that’s for life and that’s intense, and it’s humbling and very cool! The End of Q&A que in the Cm Punk music… It started with Punk’s music then it stopped for some reason and we heard. AWWWEEESOOOMMEEE… I came to play…I’m shitting you not. CM Punk is a total class act. Awesome dude. Photo-op: We had our pictures taken, shook his hand, said a few words, smiled, the end of that. Autograph Signing: We got our autographs and my cousin shook his hand again and we got the signature in silver after saying pretty please. My cousin then thanked him and me because without me showing him Punk, he would have never have got back into wrestling in the first place. We then Yes’d! on the way out of the place… Pretty epic day indeed.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:05:41 +0000

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