Credit: Ohenenana Obonti Krow... MILITARISM AND INTERNAL - TopicsExpress


Credit: Ohenenana Obonti Krow... MILITARISM AND INTERNAL LIBERALISM ................................................... Who born dog,is one political theory yet to be explained well,it reminds of the days of old whenever it is mentioned.I see these petty wrangling as just residual effects of the jerry Rawlings type of administration,tough and power based.The man had absolute control over every segment of his administration and wouldnt hesitate putting you under serious stress is he sees you a saboteur.He carried his military posture into his civilian administration ensuring sanity and comformity.LikeI said in my previous write ups,his inner temperaments were worked on seriously by Kwamena Ahwoi and the rest to adjust to the tenets of democracy.He exerted reasonable force over his appointees and no one dare engage in internal revolution to challenge his position.Thoughpeople were uncomfortable with his militant posture,subsequent events vindicate his position.That too much liberalism in the internal arrangements inside the presidency,is being manipulated by some hawks to demean the executive powers.Rawlingsdidnt entertained such hawkish characters and Infact would waste a second showing you the exit if he realizes you have an agenda.After his tenure,these hawkish elements,began flying at their own will creating problems for Mills in different form,unfortunately,the founder had his way deepening this problem.The founders position was sharply different from some persons whose internal activities was just to take up leadership positions. This internal power play is what is creating all these rigmarole,some persons still hold the seniorship mentality so failing to realize that,Mahama now,remains the President until his tenure,.The time for the executive to exert his authority over the rank and file is now.I am not prescribing the Rambo style approach but rather,clear from his government persons who wouldnt like to share into his philosophical agenda.It is difficult taking certain tough decision because of the close and old associations,but,investigations gathered suggest that,the President stamps his executive authority or fall tp the political game plan of his challengers.Kufuor wasnt the militant type,but also had that towering posture and wouldnt hesitate sacking you if you try his simple directions. If we continue entertaining these agitations,we would not be able to spread our good news but rather enter the media trap by defending or otherwise the government.We have three years to supervise and implemente what we promised Ghanaians and if one of the wise counsel of the President could go out claiming he is not seeing the President,then what is he inferring.I honestly think such unnecessary rigmarole must end. Rawlings of all people for the first time after leaving office,has at least commended the President for his determination to weed out corruption damn the consequences.The flight officer has had serious with all regime except Mahama for now and called on all to support the President.Currently,there are practical measures to curb these corrupt practices.The sole commissioner is operating freely without any external manipulations,the task force are retrieving huge monies into the nations coffers and some kind of administrative discipline resonating,why shouldnt we support that course. When the Subah issue came out,i was expecting people to pick it from the other angle,by supporting the government through the revenue outlet to ensure that these telecos abide by our communication laws drafted in conformity with international convention,rather we joined the crusade to tag people with corruption,thenfollowed the Gallup whatever,personly,though not supporter of these international survey groups,i felt happy because at least this time,ghana is not rated amongst partially or non press free countries our status internationallyis reaching an enviable height. The plan of the npp and some of their media surrogates are finding it difficult to strategize into 2016 so has adopted the baseless corruption tagging of the President and his appointees.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 03:03:50 +0000

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