Crimea, Kosovo, Hobgoblins and Hypocrisy. Magnificent post by - TopicsExpress


Crimea, Kosovo, Hobgoblins and Hypocrisy. Magnificent post by Marko Milanovic! One of the more remarkable aspects of the whole unfortunate Ukraine episode is the rampant hypocrisy on part of all of the major players involved in the dispute. Those same Western states that unlawfully invaded Iraq, and supported Kosovo’s secession from Serbia while endlessly repeating that Kosovo was somehow a really super-special sui generis case, are now pontificating about the sanctity of the UN Charter and territorial integrity. On the other hand, that same Russia that fought two bloody wars in the 1990s to keep Chechnya within its fold, that same Russia that to this day refuses to accept the independence of Kosovo, has now rediscovered a principle of self-determination that apparently allows for the casual dismemberment of existing states.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:41:35 +0000

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