Criminal defense attorney desperately needed for Phillips Family - TopicsExpress


Criminal defense attorney desperately needed for Phillips Family in Worth County, GA Heres the latest from Mrs. Phillips. ## My husband is facing fifteen to twenty years in prison. And there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. We dont have a lawyer and we cant afford one. And I just learned that a person whos grandson also goes to my sons school witnessed the teachers physically restrain Ian. Hold him down to remove his jacket. This was never put in my sons agenda from school and never even mentioned to us. I have been nothing but courteous to the police officer that Ive been speaking to. He in turn has been very courteous to me and George. He was upset to hear about the way the school that he, his children, and now his grandchildren attend. There were several posts under the news article on the news website of people showing support to our family and that had problems with this school and school district. And a former teacher there that said some of the teachers there completely ignore the special needs children and/the childs disability completely.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 19:31:31 +0000

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