Crimper Dean is still strolling round Albert Square believing the - TopicsExpress


Crimper Dean is still strolling round Albert Square believing the biggest crime he’s ever committed is a wonky fringe trim or a dodgy blow dry. He clearly reckons that his attack on Linda was nothing more than a passionate slip-up on a kitchen table. And the fact that Stan recently brushed aside Linda’s ordeal by chiding his grandson for being careless about where he “dipped his wick” (ugh!) hasn’t helped matters. However, one person definitely not buying Dean’s Mr Innocent story is Stacey because, let’s face it, she’s an expert when it comes to trauma and knows how to read all the signs. Dean is devastated when she tells him that she’s been to the police to give a statement. Big mouth: Stan tells Mick that the rapes Lindas word against Deans Meanwhile, Mick is starting to worry that there’s not going to be any justice for Linda and he loses his rag when Stan – who seems intent on whipping up as much trouble as possible before he pops his clogs – tells him it’s only Linda’s word against Dean’s. As for Dean himself, rather than keep a low profile he’s determined to front out all the gossip and turns up bold as brass at the Carters’ karaoke night at The Vic. Naturally, he’s about as welcome as a scratched Rylan CD. Mick is furious to see his brother in the pub and is on the verge of turfing him out when the police roll up. Is Dean finally about to be arrested? Oh dear: Carol gets the wrong end of the stick Max isnt handling it well - but even HE wouldnt stoop that low It’s the week of Emma’s funeral but Max won’t be needing that bumper bunch of lilies. When Emma’s smarmy ex Bryant turns up and bans him from the service, it looks as if the downcast auto-trader will be staying at home to drown his sorrows. And drown them he does in spectacular style. His big sister Carol pops round to give him a pep talk and also warn him off his dangerous and frankly, bonkers, plan to get revenge on Phil, but when she sees him with Emma’s mum Margot, she presumes the pair are having an affair. Oh please! We know Max is a serial philanderer Carol, but his dead girlfriend’s mum? Really? Do us a favour. A grieving Max is furious with Carols wrong assumption and hits the bottle. He’s on a mission to self-destruct and no one is going to stand in his way. Beale wheres yer troosers? Janes shocked to see the men in kilts Just when you thought Ian Beale couldnt look or indeed BE more ridiculous... Ian and Jane’s “low key” wedding plans are underway but Jane is taken aback when she walks in to discover Ian and Alfie and half of the Albert Square males, attired in kilts. Yes Squeale is planning to wear Beale tartan for his big day and is giving the kilts an early airing. Knobbly knees here we come! Let’s just hope the fish and chip maestro’s not going for the traditional pants-free option too. Shock: Staceys floored by Shabnams confession Not too Shabby... or is she? Finally, the ice-maiden cracks! It’s Shabnam’s 29th birthday and Masood is stunned when his daughter reveals she’s inherited a substantial amount of money. Meanwhile Kush is delighted when the birthday girl treats him to a passionate kiss but it’s Stacey whose head is spinning later in the week when Shabs opens up and reveals a shocking secret that’s been haunting her for decades. Ooh, it’s always the quiet ones!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:00:59 +0000

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