Critical thinking...the other National Deficit... An excerpt: The - TopicsExpress


Critical thinking...the other National Deficit... An excerpt: The fact of the matter is that all the elements were in place for a large-scale movement of Central American kids across the border, with or without DACA. Rising street violence in Central America, along with political instability in Honduras gave people a reason to leave. Previous migratory patterns established since the late-1970s -- first for political reasons, then for economic ones -- meant many Central American youths have family here in the United States. And a hole in our immigration enforcement system was exploited both by families desperate to bring their children here and by human traffickers eager to profit from their predicament. In addition to being based on a fallacy, the GOP’s call to fight this crisis with more border security would do nothing to solve the problem. These children aren’t a security threat. They’re turning themselves in to U.S. authorities at the border.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:04:20 +0000

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