Croatia destroy Serbian scriptures Letter addressed to: Herman - TopicsExpress


Croatia destroy Serbian scriptures Letter addressed to: Herman Achille Van Rompuy, President of the European Council and Catherine Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union. Dear readers, We recall that 4th August 2013 was the 18th anniversary of Croatia’s occupation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, which went hand in hand with genocidal crimes on the Serbian nation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina. At the time, the regions of Krajina were was UN protected area, according to Vance’s Plan. Croatia (a contemporary EU-member) invaded Krajina’s territories and expelled in the period between 1990 and 1995 up to 800.000 Serbs from the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Croatia. Until 1999 Croatia catholicized at least 30.000 Orthodox Serbs. Such actions are according to international law and UN standards classified as crimes of genocide. An alike anti-Serb policy was also conducted by Germany and Croatia in WWII. It is considerably obnoxious that the European Council had not raised the question on the genocide committed by Croatia in the region of Krajina during the 90s. As a matter of fact, European institutions supported and facilitated Tudjman’s Croatia in that period. On the same manner Croatia conducted genocide against Krajina Serbs under the protection of Adolf Hitler. Would the European Council also agree, if another nation in Europe would be ethnically cleansed as had happened with the Krajina Serbs? We notified you that in the regions of the occupied Republic of Serbian Krajina Serbs are deprived of their basic human rights. We supported that thesis with the fact, that in the community of Vukovar boards, written in the Cyrillic scripture, have been destroyed. No actions have been taken in order to call a halt to the crimes against the Serbian cultural heritage. Recently, in the place Krnjak, in the occupied Republic of Serbian Krajina, on 18th September 2013 a board written in Cyrillic has been removed. On 19th September this year in front of the building of Croatia’s Parliament a certain group proposed to the members of the Parliament to ban the Cyrillic script from Vukovar. They were wearing t-shirts which expressed: ban the Cyrillic script from Vukovar! Is it possible that the European Council is not taking any measures to protect the Serbian Cyrillic scripture, despite the fact that it dates from 7.000 years ago, whose texts have been located near Belgrade? Why is not the European Council protecting this Serbian cultural heritage? We urge you in front of the Civilization and History to reverse the consequences of the Croatian genocide on Krajina Serbs and call a halt to the elimination of the European cultural heritage. Are EU nations, as Croatia, allowed to conduct genocide on other nations and violate the rights of the oldest scripture of the world? Despite that you refuse to co-operate with the Government and Parliament of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, this letter has a character of an open discussion. Mr. Milorad Buha, premier Dipl. ing. Rajko Lezaic, President of the Parliament
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:45:17 +0000

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