Cross Notes, Thursday - James calls on us to persevere; and that - TopicsExpress


Cross Notes, Thursday - James calls on us to persevere; and that is often the difficult part. Sometimes, when God’s fingers squeeze, they hurt. But God’s work in our lives can shape and mold us and get us to mature faith. That’s exactly what James said in verse 1:4, “Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” The goal for all Christians should be spiritual maturity. We don’t seek out troubles! But we rejoice in them because the dividends they produce are greater than the discomforts they bring. God is much more interested in developing your character than He is in providing for your comfort! Going through the trials of life can help to develop that character and result in Spiritual maturity. Warren Wiersbe says, “Our values determine our evaluations. If we value comfort more than character, then trials will upset us. If we value the material and physical (aspects of life) more than the spiritual, we will not be able to ‘count it all joy.’ (when troubles come our way.) If we live only for the present and forget the future, then trials will make us bitter; not better.” Don’t be bitter! Persevere, and let God to use your problems to make you better! (From the sermon “Dealing With Adversity” Cross Roads Baptist Church 6/30/13)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 12:09:39 +0000

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