Cross River Governorship anathema. Conscience, they say is an - TopicsExpress


Cross River Governorship anathema. Conscience, they say is an open wound only truth can heal. This is the foundation for morality. Recent happenings in the Political sphere of the state particularly with regards to the governorship aspiration in the ruling Peoples’ Democratic Party and the purported decision by its leadership to adopt Senator Ben Ayade have significantly put a question mark to the dogma of conscience and moral justice. Latest developments more than anything has helped to exposed the deceit, ineptitude and visionless fabric worn by some of the ‘key aspirants’, beyond a well- tailored and articulate blue-prints only made possible by the help seasoned consultants with little or no inputs from the aspirants. Afterwards, with pomposity blended with feigned confidence and after many sleepless nights of rehearsing the scripts, they come out stunning Cross River people with a presentation that often invited applauses at the end. But in all sincerity, this document lacked the latent vision. It is driven by selfishness and anchored on deceit. Such was typical of the blue-prints presented by some of the aspirants. This is because only a few of them was prepared for the position they seek and equally took time to develop a road-map while others suddenly became accidental or ‘try your luck’ aspirants simply because the governorship seat was zone to Northern Cross River. Otherwise how can one juxtapose a situation where one aspirant picks two nomination forms for two different positions, attends screening for the two positions and keeps one secret and the other open? Yet he seeks leadership position. Thus, aspirants like Hon Legor Idagbo got Governorship and House of Representatives forms respectively. Hon Larry Odey also acquired the governorship and senatorial forms. Prof Senator Ben Ayade allegedly did same too. Buying two forms and hiding one portrays lack of confidence on the part of the aspirants on themselves and also goes to demonstrate the fact that these persons are political gamblers with little or nothing to offer the state in the real context. They are undecided on what they want and therefore, not firm. But in the interim, they arm themselves with attractive blue-prints to con the people in order to appear popular. We cannot continue to appeal to the conscience of others when our own conscience is at sleep. ‘Cross River state is not for sale’ yet a member of the ‘family’ Senator Ben Ayade was alleged to be considered as consensus candidate for the PDP gubernatorial Primary election not on account of his quality or capacity or even popularity but on the below -the –surface account of his financial might. This is an anathema that must be corrected by the PDP otherwise grave consequences await us. Our choices make or mar us and sometimes the choice of a single person may make or mar a collective destiny. The future (economic and political) and survival of Cross River is at stake. The state is living in perilous times and direly needs to be fixed and yet the best quality is ignored in pursuit of superficiality. My heart bleeds of Cross River having visualised what will become of her fate if the right man is not voted in as governor. How will posterity judge this grave mistake? The Peoples’ Democratic Party should revisit its consensus arrangement and offer the best aspirant of the pack to the people. The people know their own and know better who can lead them right. This is actually not about PDP which is the ruling party in the state but about the collective will and destiny of Cross River people who seek better life and amenities. Let us not make the costly mistake that gets us enmeshed in a circle of lamentation, and then condemned on the court of conscience for the rest of our lives. Yes, there is a higher court than court of justice and that is court of conscience. And it supersedes all other courts. Nobody is immune. A stitch in time they say saves nine. Without treachery, Ntufam (Barr) Fidelis Ugbo remains not only the most popular choice among the aspirants vying for the governorship ticket in the People’s Democratic Party but also the only aspirants with ready answers to yearnings and aspirations of the people. He is even the most popular in the hearts of the majority of Cross River people. Give the best the chance! Now a food for thought: what if the so called ‘money bags’ rally round Ugbo, convince him to their camp and then adopt and back him?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:23:52 +0000

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