Cross-party Scottish home rule campaign to be launched. A - TopicsExpress


Cross-party Scottish home rule campaign to be launched. A campaign for Scottish home rule is to be launched later, which draws support from a number of political parties. Among those backing the new organisation are former Labour first minister Henry McLeish and former SNP MSP Andrew Wilson. Individuals associated with all five political parties represented at Holyrood are to be involved. Mr McLeish said the aim was to inspire and enthuse people about the prospect of political change. Speaking ahead of the launch he said: On the 18th September, 3,619,915 people voted on the future of Scotland and its role in the United Kingdom. Regardless of the outcome, this was a boost for our democracy. The Home Rule campaign seeks to keep that legacy alive. The Scottish parliament has gained new powers in 1999, 2012 and is likely to have more powers in 2015. But this devolution of powers has to have a purpose and be part of a sustainable and progressive vision for Scotland not just another response to a political or constitutional crisis. Our Home Rule campaign should seek to inspire and enthuse and raise the level of political and constitutional debate. Twin goals Mr Wilson added: The whole country needs to come together and secure the highest common denominator that will unify the vast majority of us that want progress and a much more responsible parliament. The twin goals of economic prosperity and social fairness must be pursued with the same passion and vitality that drove the referendum. The new campaign will be chaired by Reform Scotland Chairman Ben Thomson. Speaking on BBC Radio Scotlands Good Morning Scotland programme, he said: This has got to be something that brings together people across both the Yes and No camps, as well as across the political divide. That is why we have got together an advisory board of 12 people representing all the political parties, and civic Scotland and business, to agree a set of principles that we think should define Scottish home rule.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 10:42:19 +0000

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