(Cross posted) Alright children, listen up; class is in - TopicsExpress


(Cross posted) Alright children, listen up; class is in session! I have HAD it up to here *holds hand above head* with the worst B/S/T posts Ive ever seen in my life!! So Im going to teach you a thing or two. Why are you about to read my mass of information? Because your ad sucks and I want to help you help yourself. If your ad doesnt suck, eHigh-five and carry on with your day, youre beautiful. For those that miss this, I will be creating a very good instructional video specifically on buying/selling/trading airsoft guns and gear. Once its put together, I will be posting it on every single terrible ad I see. Brace yourselves! My source: Ive been doing this for 10 years. Ive owned a ton of guns, Ive sold a ton of guns, dont question me! Lesson 1: Selling Why or how is this going to help you? Its going to help you sell your stuff a lot easier and get you what you want.. Cash, trade, sack of marbles... its your party. So lets begin with the first thing you should see with a good For Sale ad and work our way down! The picture! No picture? No sale. Period. Take a good picture of your gun. Lay it in the grass, lean it against a tree, set it on something nice.. Your picture will sell your gun for you if you do a well enough job of taking it. Do NOT take a picture of it on your dirty ass bedroom floor, your messy bed and for the LOVE OF GOD.... Do. Not. Take. A. Picture. With.Your. Stupid. Feet. In. It... It is not that hard to do this, class... Also, if it is not included in your sale, do not include it in your picture. In fact, if you have accessories (Sights, grips, lights, lasers, etc), sell that stuff separately, youll make more money, trust me.. Just be sure to take a good picture of said individual items. Got it? Good picture = More interest = Higher chance of a sale. Oh yeah, the more pictures, the better (as long as they follow the rules above!!) After your picture, you should be describing your item. Since I keep referencing selling a gun, we will pretend we are selling that. So you have your gun.. First thing you should do is tell us what it is and who makes it. Be 100% sure to get your name/brand correct. Not sure what it is? Google.. Google until you figure it out! Phone a friend, do something. Just be accurate! Next, list everything about your gun. Things you should include: Does it have any internal upgrades? If so, list them! Any external upgrades? If so, list them! Full metal? Do you know what it chronos at? Only post chrono numbers if youve actually chronod the gun. The numbers you see on the box or a retailers website are almost always wrong. Do you know how far the gun can shoot? Again, if you dont know, dont post... you can however make a broad assumption (i.e. 175-200 feet). Do you know the guns rate of fire? Follow the rule, if you dont know, dont post. Those little statistics are important because some people will buy a gun for specific uses.. Someone might want a gun with a high ROF, or a gun that can shoot long ranges... You get the point. At this point, youve now listed all the good things about your gun. Now its time to list the bad. Yes, you have to!! Let me say that again: You have to list the bad! Is your gun missing a part? Something doesnt work right? Does it need a new part? Are there major scratches? Is something broken? Something cracked? Sometimes it is easier to rate your guns externals out of 10. 10 being mint, 1 being it got ran over by a truck and fell in a tub of acid.. It might be a good idea to list if your gun comes with mags, if so, how many and if it comes with a battery. If it does, what size and type? So now, by this point in your ad, you now have an awesome picture and you have listed every good and bad detail about the gun. Your potential buyers should know sooo much about your gun, that the only question they should be asking you is how they can pay you. Let me repeat myself because its just sooo sweet when it happens (and it does with a good ad, trust me!) If your ad is awesome, the only question someone will ask you is how they can pay you!.............So you have a killer picture, super detailed description.. Now you have to: Price! This will be the biggest challenge for most. Let me say first that there is no such thing as Testing The Waters (TTW); you are either selling or you arent. If you arent, get out of here... If you are, continue on! I will also say you MUST list a price. Dont say Make an offer. Not only are you wasting your own time, but people are clueless, wont bother offering and you probably want too much for what youre selling. Before you list a price, you need to ask yourself one simple question. Do you want trades? Ask yourself twice, because you will get asked 200 times. Do you want trades? No? Say it.. Say it a few times. Oh, you do want trades? Tell us what kind of trades you are interested in. Also, its a good idea to list a trade value.. This will prevent people from offering you a lesser trade. A trade value is usually a firm value on your item.. This value is in most cases higher than your asking price or is your asking price. If someone offers you something less, make them add cash or items.... but Im digressing, we will cover trades in another lessor. Back at it.. Do you want trades? Yes or no? If no, say it, if you do, tell us what youre interested in. If you say you are open to all trade offers, be very very prepared to get bombarded with trade offers. So onto a cash price. I always find its more appealing to buyers when you list your price and you say it is OBO.. Meaning, or best offer. Why is this important? Because no one wants to pay asking price and they want to feel like they got a good deal. It also helps you because sometimes you might get more for your item then you originally wanted. Say I would be happy with $200 for my gun. Ill list it as $230 OBO.. Then I just wait for offers.. Sometimes youll get lucky and get $210 or $220.. Just dont be afraid to negotiate and always always always counter someone that makes you an offer. If Im selling for the said $230 and someone says $180.. Go back at them and say youll do $210. Chances are, you will settle at $200 and everyone is happy! Negotiating is just something you will get good at with practice. Just dont be an ass and youll be fine. Next, NEVER EVER EVER post a Firm price. Just dont. Why? Because no one likes paying asking price. Thats like going into a car dealership and paying what they are asking for a used car. You just dont. Firm prices turn me away, even if it appears to be a good deal. Also, include shipping in your price. That is just polite and no one likes hidden fees. Good reference point: Usually costs $20-$25 to ship a rifle, $10-$15 to ship a pistol. So now my price should look like this $230 OBO, shipped. Perfect. Annnnd another thing, never ask someone to pay the Paypal fees or gift you the money. Its rude and makes you look stingy or like a scammer. Dont do it. As far as what to ask for your gun? Usually the going rate is 60-70% of what you paid for everything new. Sometimes more, sometimes less, it depends on the item. Look your item up, see what others are selling similar items for and go off of that. I will tell you this though, if someone buys your stuff pretty fast, chances are you listed too cheap.. If people are saying your stuff is overpriced, it probably is. If you arent getting offers, lower your price incrementally every few days until you get more interest. If your guns is expensive (over $500), you might be better off parting it out if no one is interested after awhile. Parting out takes more time, but can ultimately make you more money, so think about it! I could go on for a looong time about pricing, trades and shipping... and intend to in my video(s) that I will put out for all. I will also talk about proper etiquette for buying, selling or trading, why its important and how it will help you. All it boils down to is: Dont be rude... But Ill explain in much more depth to help you. I hope this was of some help to you. If you have any questions, want to learn more, want to learn how to buy/sell/trade more effectively, etc, etc, feel free to message me. Id be glad to teach more! I can also tell you, that once you get good at it, you can actually make some good money off of it. Buy low, sell high! Just gotta know what to look for, how to customer service and how to sell! Thanks! PS. The gun pictured below is actually a product of me buying/selling/trading. I bought bits and pieces from random lots for sale, sold off what I didnt want or need, traded around, etc etc... In the end, I didnt spend 1/10th what you think I did on it.. Want to know how? Just ask, Id be glad to share my success story(ies)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 01:47:07 +0000

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