#CrossRoads #Insert1 I watched my wife sitting around the - TopicsExpress


#CrossRoads #Insert1 I watched my wife sitting around the table with the kids. My little girl Eyami and little man Ntando. I dont know how I came about to be standing by this window when I should be sitting right there with them. I should have gotten inside but I decided what the heck. Its a good scene to watch, so I stood there.. My wife, Enhle is beautiful, just like her name. She is beautiful inside out and I must admit, like most men, I fell in love with the external beauty first. For a while I forgot about the scene I was watching and I was transported back to the day we first met. It was at a friends house warming party. I had gone to the party alone since my then girlfriend was working overtime that saturday, she was going to join us a bit later. Nonhle was friends with the lady of the house Anele, Joshuas wife. Josh ke is still my friend. Nonhle rang the bell and Anele went to open. When a bell rings, everyone turns to look. There werent that many people at that time and the music was playing softly. RnB. She arrived early like I did. So we all turned as Anele went to open. She walked in, a little shy at being thrown under the spotlight at first, I have to admit, I was staring. She was carrying a plastic with crisps and a wrapped gift. I still remember what she was wearing. A floral little dress that showed her good thighs, the button down type with a v shape at the top that showed her beautifully formed breasts. She had on some strappy sandals. I saw beautifully painted toes, in short, everything about her was perfect. Ok, I must admit. I was a Don Juan in those days. I liked women, beautiful women, I guess I still do. I didnt realize she was now just a touch away and they were introducing her to me. Helllllllo, Anele was clicking her fingers at my face. Josh and our friend Sandile were laughing like stupid fools. Nonhle, the guys thats daydreaming is my husbands friend Lwandile, lwandile this is my friend and colleague Nonhle she looked at josh and sandile. Youve met Josh my hubs. She said as she pinched Joshs cheeks. And kissed him. WTF. This one laughing like a school boy is his friend and colleague Sandile, dont worry, his girlfriend Kandy is mature and I still dont know what she sees in him, come meet her choma, plus I need some help in the kitchen with the sala..... Then she dragged her away before I could even shake her hand. I stood there with my mouth open and hand out. Sandile and Josh, cracked up. I gave them that whatsapp look. Josh beat my shoulder and told me I will never change. Id better behave cos Shantelle is on the way. Shantelle, I remembered I have a girlfriend. Shantelle (with an S) is colored. Yes. Im Xhosa. I had sworned that I would never date black girls after I was played a couple of times at school and college. I met Shantelle, fell in love with her looks and her not being black lol. Shantelle has a temper that is said to be synonymous with colored chicks and I have been warned but didnt listen. Look, I love her but she can be too much to handle, especially when rubbed up the wrong way. she hasnt played me, not yet. She adores me. We have a good relationship where if I keep her happy, she returns the favor. Its that simple. Shes a hyena in bed too but Im not one to kiss and tell so you wont be hearing anything about that part of my life. The night went well. I finally got a chance to speak with Nonhle, even though it was in a group, She has a man (Damn) but shes not married. (Yes!). No child. (Bonus). Stays with her parents (I did too, back room kasie situation) we are both breadwinners cheesebringers whatever u wanna call it. Later that night, the party was in full force by then, We were standing by the balcony watching the meat braai. When standing by the balcony u could actually see the lounge door, and josh and sandile had drifted and started their own conversation with the other guys. Anele had gone inside, lo and behold, to open the door, how come I didnt hear the doorbell?, hmmm music was pumping... And besides, I was busy trying to charm someone, Next minute. Shantelle is standing there with a smile, a fake Im gonna kill u when we get to my place kinda smile. I doubt the rest noticed, I knew my woman and could see she didnt take to well to me staring at another woman with a grin on my face and... Just to be safe, I looked down at the zip of my pants, phew, Im safe there. No hard on, the little guy tends to misbehave when Im around beautiful chicks. Look who we have here, hey baby I went to her and put my hand around her waist and kissed her cheek Hey there loverboy she knows I hate that name, shes trying to show me shes pissed but the smile is still there Anele to the rescue. Shantelle, this is my friend nonhle, thanks, Lwandile for keeping her company, Nonhle is very shy and all the other girls already know each other Nonhle looked down, embarrassed. Anele took the flowers and gift from shantelle and left us standing there Dont worry Darling, I dont know half the people in here too. Just the hosts she said to nonhle and she winked. . Then to me.. baby u can go back to the other guys and I will keep Nonhle company. I promise by the end of tonight we will be the best of friend.. She dragged that last word What happened after that. I have no idea. I knew shantelle is onto nonhle and the best way to get anything from her is to be her frienddddd. I thanked my lucky stars I hadnt made a move on her, I dont even have her numbers after all. I relaxed and forgot about the whole thing. We took shantelles car cos I was drunk. If it wasnt for her, I would have never even thought about nonhle. She went on and on. But I was relieved she had thrown away all sorts of thoughts she had about her, she went on about what a sweet girl she is. But how she isnt her type as she seems boring.......I feel asleep through the conversation and woke up when we got there. I vaguely remember what happened but the next day, I was at shantelles place. a 2bed flat in town.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 18:13:20 +0000

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