Crossing the Bridge before Kissing the Bride June 16, 2013 1:16 - TopicsExpress


Crossing the Bridge before Kissing the Bride June 16, 2013 1:16 pm I once heard of a story of a young man on a plane who had his wedding ring on the wrong finger. A lady discovered it and brought it tohis notice and he replied, “Don’t worry, it’s because i married a wrong woman”. While looking closely at this subject, I discovered we havethree sets of people in three different set of scenarios. 1.Those who cross the bridgebefore kissing the bride. 2.Those who kiss the bride before crossing the bridge. 3.Those who swim beneath the bridge. Those who swim beneath the bridge are simply known as players. They are people whostarts a relationship for the wrong reasons, one of them being for material gain and they are likely to get drown. Mind you the river or sea beneath the bridge may contain wild creatures which tell you that you’ve taken a destructive path and you are likely not to get at any destination. They are swimming in lust and not love. Swimming talks about diving. IfYou Garbage in, you won’t only garbage out, you will withinjuries. It is a suicide mission to kiss the bride before crossing the bridge. Getting married and in few weeks you start getting frustrated, disappointed and regretting you are married to that person. The wife saying “I never knew you are so cruel and heartless”, the man says I never knew you are a witch and a beast. This is because they never crossed the bridge before they kissed the bride. To have a blissful marriage, you’ve got to cross the bridge before kissing the bride. You two need to walk through together to get to theother end of the bridge. You are two different entities, and what qualifies you to kiss (which simply mean getting married) is getting to the end of the bridge. I shall be making more emphasis on those who go through the bridge. The bridge experience is all about facing the giants. It’s about challenges and how you respond to them. It’s about preparation. It’s about arriving at a point of equilibrium. Walking through the bridge is about steady patient progress. Generally, life is full of bridges. Bridges are challenges, they are problems, and they are forcesacting against us. It is the wisdom you have that will helpyou. If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. – Proverbs 24:10 (KJV) I attended a singles meeting tagged “The bridge to cross before kissing the bride” on the 9thof June 2013, which i was also one of the ministers. During the last sections when people were giving opportunity to contribute and ask question, i noticed a young man who said because of his past experience, he won’t let his wife to be to have friends. That’s cruel! And unjust! His past is one of the bridges He must cross. His past shouldbe discarded so that he won’t frustrate the new young lady. There is so much i can say onthis but all he has got to do isto forget his past so you can enjoy his present and have a greater tomorrow. Our past has nothing to offer. It is past and should be left past. They only cage us from ourselves and we cage others as well whenever they are with us. Stop hurting yourself, move on with your life and that pastmay be deliverance in disguise. Thank God for his deliverance. HOW TO EFFECTIVELY CROSS THE BRIDGE *.Discover Yourself:The very first step you take towards the bridge talks about self identification and actualization. Knowing yourself and knowing what you want. Knowing the kind of partner you want.If you fail to discover your identity, people and the world around you will not fail to discover your degreeof nonentity. *.Acquire Knowledge:Sometimes, the core problemis lack of knowledge and that’s why many relationships perish today.Ignorance is the greatest defeat of man. It tends to poverty, disappointment and destruction. Every successful success today isthe product of knowledge. Never take knowledge for granted.Admit that you don’t know and create a desire to learn. Connect withthose who have crossed the bridge before you. Readbooks on relationship, on temperament. You need to know why women behaves the way they behave. You need to know why men behave the way they behave and know these gender differences will saveyou from unnecessary arguments. Attend a premarital education classes, seminars and programmes. Look for someone who has crossed the bridge effectively and stick to them to learn.Mentorshipis the easiest way to break hardship in life. *.Work on your Attitudes:This is simply talking about your actions and reactions to people, things and situations. Work on your understanding and patience. Always try to see the other side of the coin before acting or reacting.If you don’t build up yourself to face your challenges, youmay not cross.Correct yourself when necessary and starve pride in you. Face your giants and work on your self esteem
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 23:47:06 +0000

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