Crowd psychology of the masses under the herd mentality. When - TopicsExpress


Crowd psychology of the masses under the herd mentality. When power goes unchecked and the people brain-washed with propaganda + unrealitic fever-pitched nationalism, the need to sacrifice for your country, a leader people have blind faith for, the need for people to have a sense of character and decency, love for Germany, the need to be proud of our history, blah blah blah and the BS list goes first glance it sounds great and has seemingly a vision for the betterment of a country. BUT nationalism is a very dangerous tool as proven in the nazi Holocaust. Once a human being has unlimited power he will turn evil and the Holocaust is testament. Empathy eradication comes with power that allows no checks and balances. The only way to stop maniacs like this from power is through CHECKS AND BALANCES AND THE PEOPLE NEEDING TO QUESTION WHAT IS BEING FED TO THEM, WHY IT IS BEING FED, AND ULTIMATELY WHO GAINS OUT OF IT AT THE END OF THE DAY. The holocaust may be too drastic but what we have now is just the same, only to a lesser degree and softened to look palatable, but if left unchecked will turn evil. This may fall of deaf ears, but what the heck, I did my job. You can take it and learn from history so we dont walk down that same trap, or you can continue sitting in your comfortable little boxes and practice positive thinking, which is looking very much now like cognitive dissonance and fear to see things for what they really are. Its downhill from here, folks. God bless Thailand. Shes going to need all the luck and saving she can get! https://youtube/watch?v=AnpTWKKWQ1o
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:14:42 +0000

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