Crown and Church of Pakistan { both deceive the people} The - TopicsExpress


Crown and Church of Pakistan { both deceive the people} The present fragmented society, I believe, is owing to the appeasement of the Crown for the Church of the Country. To comprehend the true grounds of this fragmentation in the sphere of influence of religion. Politics, social affairs and even right thinking of the people accrued from the fact that the state of the country remained left after the death of Quaid almost in the hands of intellectual mediocrities, and unthinking masses always were wheeled by the golden catchphrases, such as root, kupra and mukan and the Renaissance of Islam where fields, orchards, pure and clean water, favourite drink of Adam and Eve, Duck, partridges, shadow of Huma and wings of Anqa and whatever is contained in the stomach of the earth and in the canopy of the sky would be available to every citizen of the Islamic country. The result of the appeasement of the selfish political leadership of the country for the support of the conservatives is the emergence of extremism, fanaticism and more horrible sectarianism. The convergence of all these dynamics we find in the form of Osama bin Ladum. A scarecrow for the peace loving people across the world. The corollary of these phenomena is that at present the community of Pakistanis is the most illiterate, backward and poverty ridden community in the comity of the nations of the world. We love to live in Middle East. Our eyes dazzled in the refulgence of modern knowledge and technology. We are looking forward to welcome our Messiah who will liberate us from all these shackles and made us to rule the world. “ the phantom of an Islamic state has haunted the Musalman throughout the ages and our politicians should understand that if Divine commands cannot make or keep a Musalman, their statues will not and nor will an Islamic state” { Justice Munir’s Report} ., It is unfortunate that some of our honest intellectuals are mislead by the depressing scenario of the country and overcast of its sky and were driven to misconstrue the rationales of the creation of a new independent and sovereign state for the Muslim of sub-continent. They think it better in the interest of the people to launch a campaign against the two nation theory, the very fundamentals of the creation of Pakistan , with their desire to see united India. Remember the father of the nation and widely the Muslim people of the Indo-Pak did not desire theocracy. Strong evidence and logic is there to confirm the thesis that the Muslim political leadership struggled for a social welfare state of Pakistan. { for details read my book “ In Search of Quaid’s Pakistan}. “ Address of the Quaid after Lucknow Session { Oct. 1937}. “ We are a nation with our distinctive culture and civilization, language, and literature, art and architecture, name and nomenclature, sense of value and proportion, legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and traditions, aptitude and ambition, in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all cannons of international law we are a nation.” { no smell of religiosity is felt Address in the first constituent assembly of Pakistan. “ You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, or caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the State. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of a state. Now, I think, we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in the course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.” It may be noted that this address was delivered in the Constituent Assembly, Constitution making body, and not in a public address in which most of the things are poured out for the public consumption. The place is the most important, the situation is more serious and the audience is consisting of the cream of the nation. Hence this speech may be taken as policy of the newly born state of Pakistan. This can rightly be taken as the nucleus and hub of the constitution of Pakistan insinuated by the father of the nation. It is clear that the father of the nation desired Pakistan a social welfare country. The composition of the first cabinet designed by the father of nation with four non Muslim explicitly confirms and verifies that the Quid desired Pakistan should be a secular state which guarantees religious freedom to every citizen and which, without any distinction of religion or race and color, endeavors to promote the material advancement and welfare of all its citizens. Unfortunately, after the death of Quaid the reign of the government has been in hands of intellectual mediocrities, the men without any vision. They succeeded to obscure their vulnerabilities under the clock of religion. Hence there surged a breed of Rasputins among the ruling elite that has been driving the country to ruination. The living example of the bankruptcy of the political and religious is explicit in the “ achievements” of Asif Zardari 10% who was a cinema tickets blackmailer before entering politics, Nawaz Sharif a black smith, he discovered a scientific formula to convert iron into gold with his magic furnace, and Maulvi diesel who did not feels guilty conscience to distort the teaching of Islam, and declared a religious verdict that a dog that succumbs to the injuries of drown attack is martyr, and which sustains the injuries of drown attack is Ghazi. The first Rasputin was Liaquat Ali khan, the first prime minister of the country. He churned out religiously hued ‘ Objectives Resolution and got it passed from the legislative assembly. It was a bold but vicious revolt against the vision of the father of the nation. He paved the way to change the ethos of the people of Pakistan. The Objectives Resolution proclaimed the following principles: 1. Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone but He has delegated it to the state of Pakistan through its people for being exercised within the limits prescribed by Him as a sacred trust. 2. The state shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people. 3. The principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed. 4. Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings of Islam as set out in the Quran and Sunnah. 5. Adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practice their religions and develop their cultures. 6. Pakistan shall be a federation. 7. Fundamental rights shall be guaranteed. 8. The judiciary shall be independent. The second high profile Rasputin was Ch. Muhammad Ali, the prime minister of Pakistan. He made the First Constitution of Pakistan 1956, and tagged with it so many Islamic clauses which further distanced it from the vision of the Quaid. The third Rasputin was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto a socialist converted into Maulvi to win the support of the Muslim world abroad and the Church of the country. In 1974 Bhutto began to concede vital ground to the religious right, many leftists mostly remained quite. Those who opposed to him [ like Meraj Muhammad Khan and J. A Rahim were beaten, arrested and thrown into jails], while others had become fragmented due to the petty ideological battles between the Stalinists, Maoists, Trotskyites, Leninists etc. The fourth was Zia the most detested dictator of the country. Even his face is repulsive to the person of delicate senses, and his thinking are vicious. His devilish mind dented every aspect of the fabric of society. He introduced the distorted religious belief to contaminate Pakistani society. He launched a vigorous campaign to transmigrate socially national mindset to a belief which is anchored in trite tradition and disguised in fabricated religious formations. He disturbed every corner of the society to hue and tint it with the complexion of antediluvian culture. His regime is the most regressive period of Pakistan history. Even science began to find its origin and promotion in Islamic contents and comprehension. The fifth Rasputin was General Kayani, who could not fight with 7th largest army of the world equipped with a fleet of the most sophisticated military arsenal with a handful Talibans and the splinters of some religious groups. He miserably failed to provide peaceful sleep to the loyal and peace loving citizens of Pakistan. It is chronic penchant of every Musalman of position to declared himself a true champion of Islam, and our general is no exception. He felt temptation of climbing at the tops of guns and F.15, beating the drums of the inevitability of Islam for safeguard and prosperity of the country. His hypothesis about the underlying principle for the creation of a new country, Pakistan are against the concept of Pakistan, a secular and welfare state: “ Let me remind that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and Islam can never be taken out of Pakistan. I assure you that regardless of the odds, the Pakistani Army, will keep on doing its best towards our common dream for truly Islamic Republic of Pakistan as envisaged by Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. The readers are The bungled child of the most detested Rasputin, Zia, shaved Maulvi Sharif is the most dangerous enemy of the rationales of Pakistan. He has given hideouts to the Pakistani Talibans to gain support of the conservative segment of the society. Sharif intensified General Zia-ul-Haqs controversial Islamization policies, and introduced Islamic Laws such as the Shariat Ordinance and Bait-ul-Maal. Moreover he gave tasks to the Ministry of Religion to prepare reports and recommendations for steps taken toward Islamization. He ensured the establishment of three committees. Ittehad-e-bain-ul-Muslemeen (Unity of Muslims Bloc) Nifaz-e-Shariat Committee (Sharia Establishment Committee) Islamic Welfare Committee. Lewis argues that whereas Muslims at one point admired the West for its achievements, this “mood of admiration and emulation has, among many Muslims, given way to one of hostility and rejection.” He states that the “underlying problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture, and are obsessed with the superiority of their faith Shari’at{ code of life}. While the response at the top of society to colonialism was a move toward modernization and secularization, some turned to the fundamentals of Islam—the Quran, the life of the prophet and his followers, the early Islamic community—to offer a solution and a model of Islamic reform. “The Koran is our constitution they claim”, in the face of reasonability of the theory of Evolution. In these muddled circumstances we need a bold and wise man like Mustafa Kemal to set the nation on right track. After abolishing Caliphate, the relic of religious of Islam, Mustafa Kemal, according to his vision of a secular, Westernized country, he declared: “ We must liberate our concepts of our justice, our laws and our legal institutions from the bonds which, even, though they are incompatible with the needs of our country, still hold a right grip on us” To make Turkey modern he took the following steps:- Islam was de-established. The Sufi orders were banned. The Ulema class was disbanded. Islamic dress was forbidden. The traditional Arabic alphabets was changed. Religious education was sidelined and education was reformed. Islamic laws was replaced by European codes. Government and religious affairs were separated. I earnestly believe the diagnosis prescribed by the great leader of Turkey should be recommended for our nation because the malady is the same… Maulvi ridden society, repugnance with the scientific knowledge and modern invention. Muhammad Asghar Butt website asgharbutt
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:13:44 +0000

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