Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. I trudged through a foot of snow, in a - TopicsExpress


Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. I trudged through a foot of snow, in a city that had fallen completely silent. My breath hung in the air, a silent reminder of the cold, as if the numbness wasnt enough. The sun had nearly sunk below the horizon, and the bright reds and oranges in the sky cast a bright contrast to the white of the landscape. There was no electricity, no cars driving by, and everyone had gone inside, to huddle around the fireplace most likely. Just... Me. And the quiet. My footsteps seemed deafening. I stopped. I looked out over the empty field next to me. Normally there were a few cows dotted over the landscape, a last bastion of the farmers way of life in a city that was slowly taking over. Not even the cows were dumb enough to be out tonight. What did that say about me? I didnt care. I needed the quiet. But still, best to be headed back now. I turned around, beginning the half mile trudge back to the house. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. A long walk back. Just then, THWUNK! A nearly four foot long icicle plunges into the frozen ground right where I had just been standing, sending little bits of ice flying like broken glass. I stared. That could have been my head. I slowly looked up. Hundreds, possibly thousands of giant icicles hung from the huge power lines overhead, looking like the teeth of a monster. I took a few quick steps into the snow and ice covered street. Id almost died. I shrugged. As cold as it was, I probably wouldnt have felt anything. Small comfort. I thought about it all the way home. On the front porch I took one last look at the winter wonderland. Cold. Quiet. Unforgiving. Beautiful. I stomped the snow out of my boots, and went inside to friends, hot cocoa, and music. Candles were lit.Several people were in a heated game of poker. Another was playing his guitar. The girls were in the kitchen, giggling over some cookie decorations gone wrong. I took off my coat, and sat down by the stove. It was a good evening. I love being alive. Especially with friends. It was a new year. New beginnings. I loved every moment.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:53:10 +0000

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