Cruz amendment would make it harder for illegals to register to - TopicsExpress


Cruz amendment would make it harder for illegals to register to vote The Hill: The Supreme Court’s decision Monday to overturn an Arizona law requiring people to prove their U.S. citizenship before taking part in the federal “motor voter” registration program immediately reverberated in the Senate’s debate on immigration reform The 7-2 ruling written by Justice Antonin Scalia prompted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to announce an amendment to the Senate bill that would permit states to require people to prove their citizenship before registering to vote. “This hole in federal statutory law allows non-citizens to register and thereby encourages voter fraud,” Cruz wrote on his Facebook page. “I will file a commonsense amendment to the immigration bill that permits states to require I.D. before registering voters.” The Senate’s debate over immigration reform is already touching on a series of hot-button issues, including healthcare reform, welfare benefits and the security of the border. Critics of the Senate bill have sought to prevent illegal immigrants who will be granted a path to citizenship under the bill from getting early access to ObamaCare, for example. thehill/homenews/senate/306101-cruz-offers-voting-amendment-after-supremes-nix-arizona-law
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 02:38:07 +0000

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