Crystal Pajkos gave me the Beautiful Woman challenge 5 - TopicsExpress


Crystal Pajkos gave me the Beautiful Woman challenge 5 selfies/photos that make YOU feel beautiful! (I picked 7 cause thats my favorite # and I dont like to follow the rules!) So, what makes ME feel pretty, you ask??? Id love to be really deep here and say its being a mom...or spending time in nature...or something else thats super meaningful...but being a mom of 5 is crazy! ... and I rarely even shower (not pretty!) and I never look more hideous than I do when Im hiking/camping blah blah blah;) I feel amazing and full of joy that I get to help raise Chloe, Paris, Lauren, Gabriella, and Rory James. I LOVE living in the country and going to the river every day. But its not what makes me feel beautiful. Being a girl...a girrrrrrrrly GIRL is what makes me feel beautiful! I adore getting dressed up, doing my make up, getting my hair done...all that good girly stuff! Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?! (Thank you Robin Weaver!) Gold eyeliner and a coral lip can really turn your day around! Lol......... :) With all that said, the # 1 thing that makes me feel stunning (whether I look good or not...usually not!) Is my darling hubby, Tyrel Blankenship, who tells me Im the most gorgeous woman in the world. Every. Single. Day. ...several times a day:) Almost all of these pics were taken to text to him while I was at work! (The only time I really get to be girly!) The one with the sad face is because I missed him! Haha. So babe, I dedicate this beautiful woman challenge to you!!! Thank you for always making me feel beautiful no matter what! I love you more than you know. And now...drum roll please... I CHALLENGE YOU, all my sweet beautiful coworkers and friends! Tag me back so I can see all your pretty pics! Mmmmwwwwaaaa! Vanessa Jeppson Ashley Johnson Ashley Karlsson Ashly Kaikkonen Debra Lee Bryana Rivers Isra Shakir Shatnawi
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 04:16:15 +0000

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