Crystalomancy or crystal gazing A mode of divination practiced - TopicsExpress


Crystalomancy or crystal gazing A mode of divination practiced since ancient times with the help of a crystal lobe, a pool of water, or any transparent object. Also, it can be accomplished with water, ink, and other like substances in the divination called hydromancy. The divinatory practitioner is known as the scryer while the practice is known as scrying. Depending on the era the practice ranges from a simple to an elaborate form. However, the main purpose of the objects is always to induce in the clairvoyant a state of hypnosis so the seer can see visions in the crystal. The crystal most favored by crystal gazers is a spherical or oval globe, about four inches in diameter, and preferably a genuine rock-crystal. It may be white, blue, violet, yellow, green, opalescent, or transparent. Blue and amethyst colors are less tiring on the eyes. Such a rock-crystal is very expensive and is many times substituted by a sphere of glass which renders good results. The crystal itself must be a perfect sphere without a speck or flaw, and traditionally based in a stand of highly polished ebony, ivory, or boxwood. In the practice, Hindus use cups of treacle or ink. Stones of pale sea green or reddish tints have been used. Ancient crystallomancers had precise invocations of the spirits to aid them in elaborate rituals. The man was pure in life and religious dispositions. In preparation for the ritual, a few days before he made frequent ablutions, subjecting himself to prayer and fasts. The crystal and stand are inscribed with sacred characters as the floor in the room where the invocation is performed be inscribed with such characters. The room must be of thorough cleanliness and solemn atmosphere. But, the mental attitude is of the utmost importance in the divination, because true faith in it is essential for success. If the magician is assisted by one or two friends who must observe the same rules and be guided by the same principles. The time of the invocation is set in accordance with the positions of the heavenly planets, and all preparations are made during the increasing of the moon. All instruments and accessories to be used in the ceremony--the sword, rod, and compasses, the fire and perfume to be burned, as well as the crystal--are consecrated or charged prior to the ritual. During the procedure the magician faces the east and summons from the crystal the spirit he desires. Magic circles which were previously inscribed on the floor are those which the magician stands in, and it is best for him to remain within the circles for sometime after the spirit has been released. No part of the ceremony must be omitted or the invocation might incur failure. Paracelsus and others declared the elaborate ceremonies were unnecessary, since the magnes microscomi (the magnetic principle in man) was clearly sufficient to achieve the desired object. In a later period elaborate ceremonies were not completely eliminated, but were made less imposing. If the person for whom the ceremony is intended, is performing the ceremony himself, has no clairvoyant faculty, then the best choice for a substitute is a young boy or girl born out of wedlock who is still perfectly pure and innocent. Prayers and magical words are said prior to the ceremony along with the burning of incense and perfume. The childs forehead may be anointed and he may wear garments befitting the impressive nature of the ritual. Some early writers describe formula prayers, known as the Call given prior to the inspection of the crystal. Finally after the crystal was charged it was given to the medium or clairvoyant person, The first indication of the clairvoyant vision was a mist or cloud over the crystal which gradually dissipated and then the appearance came into view. Modern crystalomancy continues using a similar procedure but the preparations are simpler. The crystal is spherical and about the size of an orange. It may by held with the finger and thumb of the magician, or, if one end is flattened it may be placed on a table, or alternatively held in the palm of the hand against the background of a black cloth. The procedure is done in subdued light. If the divination is performed for someone else it is recommended that the person holds the crystal in his hands a few minute before it is passed to the medium. The aim of crystal gazing, as previously said, is to induce a hypnotic state producing visionary hallucinations, the reflection of light in the crystal forming points de repere for such hallucinations. Thus, the value of elaborate ceremonials and impressive rituals lies in their potential to affect the mind and imagination of the seer. It is suggested that if telepathy operates with a greater force in a hypnotic state then it may also function in a similar fashion with the self-imposed hypnosis of crystal gazing. With the help of visionary powers many incidents of crime, such as finding missing persons and discovering missing and stolen property, have been solved. The telepathic theory does not seem to answer the operation of this process when the appearance of the incident appears prior to its actual occurrence. The answer to this mystery must be left to future psychic research. Though, there seems to be general agreement that the appearance is preceded by a milky clouding of the crystal. This clouding seems to be a picture itself. It is dependent on the operational conditions, and not a result of strain on the scryers eyes, for the individual glances away for awhile the clouding still exits when his gaze returns to the crystal. The first pictures act as a drop-scene, the nearest allegory is the cloud and of which, in materialization seances, phantasmal figures emerge. The pictures to which the could gives way to may be small or expand to the entire extent of the sphere in amazing size. Sometimes the sphere completely disappears from the scryers sight. The figures and/or scene assumes life-size proportions rendering the scryer a sense of bilocation as if he is part of the group or scene. This sense differs from clairvoyance. It has been discovered that the images produced by scrying are often symbolic and the elements of choice are discernible which indicates the presentation is provided by an exterior intelligence. Usually, however, the pictures are either disconnected, vague images, or they are very clear. Also, in the visionary images have been detected thought pictures or forms, dreamlike visions, forgotten, reflected memories which may give way to representation of past, present or future events. From the above is should be apparent the interpretation of images produced in scrying should be critically analyzed to determine whether they give valid information upon which to act, or contain some figments of the scryers personal mental process which render the interpretation invalid. This is why it is recommended the scryer be in good physical and mental health in order to maintain objectivity in his interpretations. Caution should be the keyword when acting upon the interpretations. Even the inquirer should question his own intentions, how eager is he to believe the crystallomancer?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 04:27:20 +0000

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