Ct Dpira I cant wait for the day when some men realize that - TopicsExpress


Ct Dpira I cant wait for the day when some men realize that taking a profile pic with your shirt off in your little tight undies, chest smeared in oil is flippin CREEPY TO THE 12TH DEGREE and does not prompt me to add you as a friend. It makes me block your request...and you. MADE UP STORY FOR ATTENTION IT WILL BE ERASED IN 24 HRS Gross. Share 8 people like this. Vcj Tuf what about over make-uped chicks laying on hard ass NES and SNES catridges holding a controller thats not plugged to nothing in their mouth? C.t De,,ira Equally gross. BTW those are usually not real women but phishers. I see a bunch of guys falling for those all the time. Kills me. I mean, cmon? Hot 22-tear old chicks dont look for men on the internet who play classic games at home on Saturdays over Twitch. Trust me. 50 minutes ago Vgcj Truf laying on shit 20 years older than them HAHAHAHAHAH 50 minutes ago · 1 .at DeS...a No joke. I know of a few guys who have given these types of girls quite a bit of money, plane tickets, Amazon gift cards, etc. The girls never manifest....EVER. 49 minutes ago C,t DeSra Ive seen it. I started an investigative look into the practice a year ago so I could one day write in depth about it. Having a friend as a detective was really insightful. He showed me old police reports to give me an insight into how the ops work. I was floored how networked they are. Some of the girls actually work for a scam system, get paid a percentage of what they take, and then some are actually run by men. Most are run by men. Its crazy. 46 minutes ago · Edited YOU NEVER INVESTIGATED A THING NOR DO YOU HAVE A FRIEND THAT IS A DETECTIVE STOP LYING TO EVERYONE U PSYCHOTIC CU.. V.cj T.f you dont need CSI for that, seriously its so blaintant these days and i was like wow....you gave this chick 3k...whos life goal is to be a F#$@#$@# cat..seriously...my brain with both genders though its a specific run of bullshit each adheres to in some weird demographic type they think will work, trust me....I get the same crap so I know your struggle, ha 45 minutes ago · 1 C.t De//ira You do to find proof of how they operate. Plus, I would want my info correct as possible. Most are internationally run. But there are two prominent hubs; one in Los Angeles and another in NYC. Both link to scam organizations over seas. YOUR INFO IS NEVER CORRECT Then you have the gamer chicks who do this to supplement their income. No scam other than they prey on lonely individuals, never considering following through with a date or even meeting them. It makes me sick. It is cruel. 42 minutes ago · Edited V.cj Tr.f yeah....thats the dark side to forcing gender specifics to gaming, corps only see green, while the rest of us are dragged into a gender war for no damn reason. 40 minutes ago · 1 C.t D..pira I am beginning to do that, Kendra. I removed over 50 people over the last few months. Gives me more peace of mind. 22 minutes ago hundreds REMOVED U U ALSO BEGAN TO LEAVE THE SCENE 70 TIMES C.t De..ira If I had children...oh, yeah. Things would be very different. But I do have a life...as in one I could lose and given that I am for some reason A stalker-troll magnet I am very. very choosey about who I friend and even who those peoples friends are. I wish I had been more choosey earlier on. NO DOUBT YOU HAVE A LIFE INTERJECTING INTO STUFF U KNOW NOTHING ABOUT, LYING TO EVERYONE, MAKING T YOUR JOB TO SCOPE AND SNOOP OTHERS PAGES, AND REPORT THEM WITH 0 RESULTS YOU AND THAT OTHER TURNCOAT. YOU ALSO ARE MAKING A GREAT LIFE OF COMITTING PLAGERISM, FLASE HISTORY REPORTING AND PRETENDING TO BE WHO UR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK FOR THE LYING CU,, YOU ARE WITH UR FAKE NAME
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 23:28:38 +0000

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