Cuba condemns increase of Israeli aggression toward - TopicsExpress


Cuba condemns increase of Israeli aggression toward Palestine GENEVA.—Addressing the Human Rights Council, Cuba condemned continued Israeli acts of aggression against the Palestinian people and the illegal construction of new settlements in the occupied territories. "Acts of violence and provocation against the Palestinian civilian population on the part of colonizers have increased without the occupying power taking any steps to prevent them, or appropriate legal measures to try those responsible," stated Vilma Thomas, the Cuban representative. During the general debate on the Palestinian issue, the delegate also spoke of continuing arbitrary detentions, maltreatment of detainees, and military aggression, such as Operation Pillar of Defense. "Once again, utilizing its technical and military superiority to brutally repress the Palestinian population, Israel has killed innocent civilians and caused enormous material damage, thus aggravating the already precarious living conditions of the population," Thomas noted. The Cuban representative denounced Israel’s refusal to respect Human Rights Council decisions and to cooperate with international missions established by the United Nations. During the session, Richard Falk, UN special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, revealed that during its 46 years of occupation, Israel has detained 750,000 Palestinians, and 5,000 of these are still in prison. Falk expressed his concern at the arrest of minors, in violation of Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention against Torture. Presenting his report, the rapporteur condemned continued abusive nocturnal arrests, arbitrary detention, torture, solitary confinement and other forms of inhuman and humiliating treatment in the prisons. Falk noted that the Israeli occupation is not static, but involves the systematic demolition of Palestinian homes, the construction of Jewish colonies on Palestinian land, the appropriation of resources and excessive violence implemented on a grand scale. (PL)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:36:53 +0000

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