(CubaNews] JR: Mercosur Consolidates Economic Integration Walter - TopicsExpress


(CubaNews] JR: Mercosur Consolidates Economic Integration Walter Lippmann [email protected] [CubaNews] To CubaNews Today at 7:30 AM JUVENTUD REBELE Mercosur Consolidates Economic Integration In the meeting held in Caracas, Venezuela, they agreed to demand a ceasefire from Israel in solidarity with the people of Palestine; declared Néstor Kirchner and Hugo Chavez as illustrious citizens of the block, and transferred the pro tempore presidency to Argentina for the period 2014-2015 By: Juventud Rebelde Email: 2014-07-30 | 21:43:13 EST Argentina became president pro tempore of Mercosur. Argentina became president pro tempore of Mercosur. Photo: Prensa MirafloresZoom CARACAS, July 29 -. The 46th Summit of member countries and associated states of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) culminated on Tuesday with the firm intention to further consolidate the integration of the block in the economic area through a complementary area with other alliances, accelerating the activation of the South Bank this year and supporting Argentina in the situation facing the so-called vulture funds. They also demanded that Israel agree to a ceasefire in solidarity with the people of Palestine; Nestor Kirchner and Hugo Chavez were declared illustrious citizens of the block; and the pro tempore presidency was transferred to Argentina for the period 2014-2015. I want to thank everyone for their presence at this summit, said host President Nicolas Maduro, reported ANSA. The event was attended by the presidents of Argentina, Cristina Fernández; of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff; Paraguay, Horacio Cartes; Uruguay, José Mujica, plus Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, a country which is processing the accession to Mercosur as a full member. Also attending as guests were the President of El Salvador, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, and the first ministers Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Gaston Brownie, of Antigua and Barbuda. We are happy and proud to join the Mercosur, which we join in the history that is being built, marked by major changes in economic structures and power relations, said Maduro. In this sense it was announced that they were approving the documents to accelerate the steps for activating the South Bank, which is expected to become operational in the second half of this year. Maduro also reaffirmed the militant fraternal solidarity of the block with Argentina over the plight faced by the so-called vulture funds. President Cristina can count on all the support to come through this tough battle they are having for the economic rights of Argentina and all of us who share in this search, he said. This is not just damage to Argentina, but to all our countries of the South, said Maduro. In turn, President Fernandez thanked Mercosur for the support in the conflict in the process of restructuring the debt of the nation. After assuming the rotating presidency, the president stressed that a new stage in the world is coming; the reality is showing us a multipolar world. You have to be intelligent and sign agreements where we are win-win, because that is a challenge for Mercosur, she said. President Dilma Rousseff said that Mercosur has the fifth largest economy in the world and one of the largest energy potentials. We share in common the defence of an integration logic, a logic that is economically consistent and we want to be socially just, said Rousseff, who applauded the possible integration of Boliviain into the group. Meanwhile, speaking at the meeting, the President of Uruguay, José Mujica, said that Latin America has never been more free, because everyone has their independence, and we should not be worshiping Uncle Sam (USA)” Notimex reported. In that sense, Horacio Cartes, the Paraguayan president said that on our decisions depends the future of the region, so we should focus on building a loving relationship together. When you take into account the interests of all and work together the goals established are achieved, he said. Similarly, the leaders discussed a statement rejecting Israels military offensive in the Gaza Strip, calling attention to civilian casualties and drafted joint communiques to protest the violent events in recent weeks in Venezuela. The Mercosur totals 83.2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) of all South America and has a population of 287 million people, ie 70 percent of the region. Translated by ESTI
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 13:08:51 +0000

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