Cuban Workers Federation Calls Popular Parade on May Day The - TopicsExpress


Cuban Workers Federation Calls Popular Parade on May Day The Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) today called to participate in the popular parade on May Day, to support the economic updating the country is experiencing in the interest of achieving a prosperous socialism. This May Day is of special significance: this celebration will be for the development of our economy, because it will be more efficient and strengthen the prosperous and sustainable socialism, to raise level and quality of life of our people, the CTC says in its call. Such celebration will be also for the improvement of the socialist state enterprise and the boost to the new forms of economic management. Workers will also march for the reaffirmation of our sovereingty and integrated independence within diversity of faiths and political positions, in the common struggle of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples, for a fairer and solidarity future along with other peoples worldwide, the text states. In addition of ratifying the decision to continue the defense of the Cuban revolution and its conquests, the parade will also condemn the violent incidents occurred in different countries, particularly the support to the Bolivarian Revolution and the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro will become evident. We call all workers, their relatives, and the entire people to make the earth tremble in front of the firm step of a popular and multi-color parade that invades our main squares, parks and avenues throughout the country, the islands maximum union organization exhorted in that sense. The CTC also expressed satisfaction for the return and presence in Cuba of antiterrorist fighters Rene and Fernando Gonzalez, along with those who proclaim the decision of not stopping a minute in this battle, while their three colleagues continue serving unjust sentences in the United States. Rene and Fernando along with Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero and Ramon Labañino were imprisoned in 1998 and submitted to long prison sentences by U.S. authorities, for monitoring extremist groups that organized and financed terrorist actions from that northern country against Cuba. At present, of the Five, as the case are universally known, only Rene and Fernando are in the Caribbean nation, after completing their sentences. The popular parade on May Day, International Workers Day, will be held this year, in a marked context on occasion of the 55th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the 75th anniversary of the founding of the CTC, and the 40 anniversary of the physical disappearance of outstanding union leader Lazaro Peña.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:28:15 +0000

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