Cult leaders are very dangerous to the integrity of Faith of the - TopicsExpress


Cult leaders are very dangerous to the integrity of Faith of the common Believer because they have set themselves no doctrinal limits upon their hearts. Such limits are inspirationally demarcated in Scriptures for the proper conduct of our faith into the permissive will of God. Going over this fence is to open the floodgates of profane manifestations within the sacred environment of Gods presence and prevalence. The cult leader thinks and teaches that by destroying imposed boundaries, he is just preventing himself from limiting God and His actions within a congregation. This is however a wrong point in theology because God does not show up anyhow in humans lives but has profusely in Scriptures and living experiences manifested more in conditions of seclusion, prudence, inwardness and wisdom. On his part, the cult leader wants an outwardly manifesting God more to elevate himself than to glorify God. His success as a cult leader depends greatly upon this feature. A cult leader needs approval from people. He wants to be respected, followed and obeyed silently. Moreover, a cult leader does not want to be put to blame or to be quizzed regarding doctrines, morals, conducts and ethics. Therefore he needs an upper hand spiritual credential to keep these happening always. Accordingly, he dares to go beyond the ascribed limits of the spiritual establishment of God, proclaiming that God would honor him for daring to trust His unlimitedness. However, in Biblical theology God does not want us to trust and experience His unlimitedness by going over what He imposed upon us as avenues of obedience. This action by the cult leader is more apparent in Scriptures like the rebellion of the Luciferian spirit from the start and throughout the whole history of man. It is acting in frontal affront to God. God is expecting us to follow what He prescribed. Cult leaders break this line like Saul who went beyond the attributions of God, thinking he could, and thatvGod would appreciate and provide grace. The contrary happened. By going beyond Gods attributions for our invariable obedience, the cult leader invite a spirit of witchcraft into his activities and among the people. Most cult leaders live this experience. They have opened the floodgates of demonic powers to manifest in their own lives and that of their followers. God does not demonstrate for the wellbeing of a cult leader. He never did, never does and never will do. But the cult leaders still have supernatural powers at their disposal to manifest sign and miracles, ecstasy, happiness, healing to sign their authenticities before men.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 06:21:36 +0000

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