Cultural cringe, in cultural studies and social anthropology, is - TopicsExpress


Cultural cringe, in cultural studies and social anthropology, is an internalized inferiority complex which causes people in a country to dismiss their own culture, often with good reason, as inferior to the cultures of other countries. It is closely related, although not identical, to the concept of colonial mentality, and is often linked with the display of anti-intellectual attitudes towards thinkers, scientists and artists who originate from a colonial or post-colonial nation. It can also be manifested in individuals in the form of cultural alienation. In many cases, cultural cringe, or an equivalent term, is an accusation made by a fellow-national, who decries the inferiority complex and asserts the merits of the national culture. A perfect example of this can be found in that advert where a couple of guys are parked in a ute feeding their faces with pies and sauce while laughing at the diners in a restaurant theyre looking into. In the ad theyre saying that the people in the restaurant havent got a clue, as though they have. Cultural cringes are sometimes valid cringes, especially when youre displaying hillbilly sentiments like those ute guys ...... NTTAWW utes .... or their inhabitants, per se.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:40:07 +0000

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