Curious experience with a member of our military. I’ve been - TopicsExpress


Curious experience with a member of our military. I’ve been traveling more lately and you notice military personnel in every airport. When possible I try to shake a hand, thank them for their service and if appropriate, pick up a tab or pay for what they’re buying. They’re always much younger than you’d expect and probably often more nervous than their stoic demeanor would let on. So last night I noticed a young service person in full camo with “Mountain” on the shoulder patch my old eyes could read from a distance. I was tired after a long flight in and frankly just too lazy to make the walk over. I then got on the plane and as I looked toward my seat I noticed this fresh faced service person sitting in my seat along with a girlfriend who was all pierced, pink hair and punked out. As I approached I made eye contact with her and said that she was sitting in my seat, kindly. The soldier didn’t say a thing but the girl said “this is my fiancee’, is there any way you could take my seat in the back so we can sit together?” I then looked at the service person, pausing for a moment now that I was a few feet away and noticed this fresh faced soldier, was indeed, another young girl. I looked at her face a moment and I know she could see the wheels in my old man head turning…so a moment passed and I extended my hand to the young service woman, thanked her for her service, shook her hand and smiled. She looked as if she’d just “come out” to a parent…and seemed relieved. I thought about that dynamic the entire way back from Atlanta and it hit me that we’re all the same. We look for kindness, love and companionship and in whatever form that takes…if you find it…it’s a good thing. It’s good to know you never stop learning…have a good weekend friends.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:40:16 +0000

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