Curiously, art in 1910 was very naughty, if you were looking at - TopicsExpress


Curiously, art in 1910 was very naughty, if you were looking at Franz von Bayross art anyway. Below is an excerpt where Leonhardt first explores bondage and Dominance and submission with Faith. EXCERPT: “That’s better. Relax, darling. You’re meant to enjoy this.” His hands moved, untangling and unrolling the last lengths of her hair, drifting lower, following the contours of her upper back to her waist and circling her there, pausing for a moment before leisurely curving across the mounds of her bottom. What she was allowing this man to do stunned her. “You have lovely hair, Faith, a beautiful body. I could touch you like this all night.” He kissed her neck, tickling her with small nibbles. “I’m taking your dress off now. Your answer, my dear?” An answer? He wanted speech when her throat had seized up? “Yes. Sir.” The wall behind the chaise lounge was cream...the lounge was timber and blue and her legs shook. Already. From the sound, he’d knelt then his hands encompassed her ankles and ran a little way up beneath the dress. Cool air caressed her body as he took the garment up. “Raise your arms, Faith.” She did so. The dress pooled on the lounge where he tossed it. She’d never stood before a man in her underwear before--in corset, drawers and stockings--and this was a man who knew how to control her with mere words. The longing to know what he meant to do made her breath come harsh to her ears. Her lips parted. “I like a woman who obeys my commands.” He rested his hands on her shoulders. Before she could stop herself a small noise escaped her lips. “Do you have a question?” His hands moved on her muscles, massaging and spreading a delicious warmth that pooled in her breasts and groin. “Yes. Uh, sir.” “Ask then.” “I don’t obey.” She let her head slowly drop forward as he continued the massage, and his body moved in to mold against her back. A hard length pressed along the crevice of her bottom. “I don’t. Not normally. Just you. And here. Uh. That’s all, so nice.” He laughed a little, softly, near her ear. “I could tell you liked it, sweetheart. Obeying me here and now is all I want.” He stepped away, keeping a single finger in the center of her back. “I’m going to take off the rest of your clothes, Faith and bind you.” Oh my God. “Now is when you should say, no, my dear. Then I’ll go.” She licked her lips. Say, no? And miss what her body craved? He’d done what he had at the workshop--made her throb exquisitely in all her private places. She said nothing, wanting, needing, to see what else he could do. “You want me to stay then.” “Yes, sir.” “Good.” This time she heard roughness in his voice. “Good.” He drew off her shoes, her drawers, her hose and corset until she waited there naked with the air caressing her skin. The man in her room was still clothed...and she was naked. Her heart thudded, fast and anxious. “Put your wrists together, behind your back.” His voice softened as he moved away. Something knocked, then came muted noises. Mr. Meisner returned and stopped there, just behind her, within reach, where she couldn’t see, waiting. She sucked in a breath, let it out slowly, and did as he ordered--put her arms at her back. He wrapped some sort of rope around her wrists, tightened the bindings until she could do no more than twist her hands one against the other. “The curtain cords,” he murmured. “Being an engineer, I like to use chains and metal when I can, but this will do, for your first time. How does that feel, Faith?” He set his hands on her hips. His skin on her naked skin. She shuddered, feeling wetness seep between her legs. “Turn around and look at me. Now.” Of a sudden, seeing him looking at her was scarier than staring at the wall and knowing he did things to her behind her back. She bowed her head, felt her hands again--roped together. The position made her breasts jut out and as she looked, her nipples puckered and poked out like fat buttons. “Faith. Turn and face me.” “Yes, sir.” She shuffled around and his hands stayed on her, sliding at her hips, just above there, where she ached. His big brown eyes were on her and she couldn’t help but look up into them and be caught, the sensation turning topsy-turvy, messing with every thought in her head. Mr. Meisner had her in his hands. “There, love. I do believe you like this.” His eyes crinkled and his mouth moved in the most heartwarming smile she’d yet observed. “You don’t need to answer that. I can see. In this.” He put both hands on her breasts, cupping them then brushing each thumb once across her nipples. “Oh.” She swayed and found her eyes half closing.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:38:08 +0000

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