Currency Revaluation Intel—Could This Be It? - TopicsExpress


Currency Revaluation Intel—Could This Be It? (07.03.14). (Posted @2012 The Big Picture, compiled by Rique Seraphico). Many of us have been waiting what seems like forever for so many things to unfold, I don’t know if we’ll be able to accept it when each aspect of our liberation and ascension actually does manifest. I heard murmuring about this two days ago, but here is what sounds to be encouraging, more realistic news about the RV, sans the hype. However, if it happens before The Event, what is to stop the cabal and their minions from benefitting? They still control the central banking system, do they not? Or did something change, or is it about to change? So far, we’re still banking on that four-letter word… S-O-O-N. ~BP _________________________________ From Dave Schmidt via PAO – Sheldan/Colleen Nidle… By Dave Schmidt I have been involved in this RV issue for over two years, which includes a direct involvement since last May. If there has ever been a time I would ask you to be focused, to be in prayer, or to be directing your faith and belief for this RV becoming a reality, IT WOULD BE NOW!!! In the last two days I have been on the phone or in conference calls totaling more than 7 hours. I have talked with intel sources I trust, people who have been involved with this for years. I have talked with individuals who have direct contacts with the US Treasury, the IMF, the Dragon Family, the Central Bank of Iraq and more. These people have backgrounds that include years of political experience in WA DC, international banking, foreign relations, senior level banking and intelligence work. I am not at liberty to give you specifics, but something happened today that is key to the funds being released. I also discovered we were all on the same page and many of the group have not been this excited for over a year. They all agreed; we’re seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. What can I say? There is movement, behind the scenes movement that has been confirmed by various sources from different perspectives. Does that mean we will be in the bank in the next few days? Not necessarily. Does that mean the actions are in place to allow the RV to take place soon? YES! I have always been cautious about jumping on the hopium (hope, hope, hope) train. But I do want to let you know that myself and others feel things are very close. I know we have been here before, and it has been very close before, only to have something beyond our control stop everything in it’s tracks. But this time it’s different. I’m not saying a delay couldn’t happen, but from what I heard today, we all agree we can see the finish line. So, focus, pray, believe, have faith, and choose to start seeing the finish line with me. We’re all in this together, and it just might be right around the corner!!! Believing with You!!! Dave The Sedona Connection. ______________________ 01 - Ukraine and the Global Currency Reset; How they Effect Each Other. (04.03.14). A MUST WATCH - Very Educational, very rich in information, an overall excellent video!!!!!!!!!!!!! R. Seraphico. Video Link: (Link by Debbie Saffer DuBois). Dave discusses how the current events in Ukraine is effecting the upcoming global currency reset.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 00:45:58 +0000

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