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Current Concerns P.O. box 223 CH-8044 Zurich +41-44-350 65 50 September 15, 2013 The monthly journal for independent thought, ethical standards and moral responsibility The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law home archive links contact search documentation Current Concerns > 2010 > No 6, March 2010 > Increasing Indications for a Third World War [printversion] Increasing Indications for a Third World War by Prof Dr Eberhard Hamer, Due to the fact that the US has assumed the bank debts and added them to the national budget and their already extreme increase in national debts – one billion dollars worth foreign credits is needed per day –, the biggest financial crisis since World War II has arrived. If the cash flow from abroad ceased or foreign countries decided to escape the dollar, the US would be bankrupt. Nevertheless, the US is not making sufficient efforts to reduce their growing national debts with cost-cutting measures. Neither do their raise taxes to generate more income, nor do they try to cut their budget, especially not their enormously grown military budget. The US has employed 200 000 soldiers in combat missions worldwide. Therefore nobody understood when the biggest warlord in the world, despite increased force levels, obtained the Nobel Peace Prize. A possible explanation: he received the prize as a precaution, because it depends mainly on him if there is a war in Iran or not. In history, politicians who were economically at an end have often opted for war as a last resort to maintain power. This has even be truer for a country in a crisis, which sees war as a way out of an economic crisis. This is how the US surmounted the biggest depression of the 20th century by entering World War I, as well as the Great Depression by entering World War II, and now they could try to solve their third crisis in the same way. We should not forget that both world wars enabled the US not only to overcome their enormous national debts, but they also developed into the leading economic power of the world. The temptation to go the same way a third time is big. Against this background these series of war preparations are alarming. 1. The right-wing Israeli prime minister is eager for war and unpredictable. He is claiming constantly changing threats from Iran, none of which substantial evidence. His tone becomes increasingly fierce, and in the last few months he has been travelling to the main capitals in the world to gain support. Frau Merkel is said to have sworn Nibelung loyalty like Wilhelm I. to the Austrians or English or French or Polish before former world wars. 2. Furthermore, Israel has positioned the atomic submarines delivered from Germany with nuclear missiles in front of Iran, and in Georgia they not only rebuilt a nuclear missile position which was destroyed by Russia one and a half years ago, and which faces Iran, but fortified them with 90 US missile experts. 3. The Israeli – influenced world media have an increasingly biting tone against Iran with changing justifications – the same propaganda campaign which made the world ready for war and even eager to help with false claims before the war in Iraq. Moreover, the US has gathered their biggest fleet concentration ever in front of Iran. 4. Military preparations are already advanced. Although the US military has not yet succeeded in “pacifying” the two neighbouring states Iraq and Afghanistan, they have practiced their biggest military concentration in the world in combat mission. The Nobel Peace Prize Committee have assessed the situation correctly, namely that a war against Iran cannot happen without the US president’s approval, the least without the approval of a Nobel peace prize winner. However, the pressure from banks, the oil billionaires, the arms industry, the military and the Israel lobby could force the US to come into war when Israel carried out the first strike against Iran and the above mentioned powers wanted to secure their interests. The US is not only the country with the highest debts in the world but along with their currency their empire decays. The world’s allegedly “only superpower” is at the moment imploding in the same manner the Russian did 20 years ago. With some kicks the Chinese have already told the US president quite clearly that they do not acknowledge their leadership any longer. Therefore, if Israel decided to strike, the US president would face the terrible choice between sinking further into the quagmire of financial-, economic and social crisis or seeking the solution of a world war, which has made the US a winner twice already. The danger of a world war has never been greater since World War II. Therefore, increasing warnings to the US mostly from a group of European intellectuals for more than a year have been justified. However, we cannot prevent it. A war in Iran would not remain a local event even if it was only led with missiles at the beginning. On Iran’s side the Chinese would intervene directly or indirectly and the Russians possibly as well to prevent the US from approaching their borders and becoming too dominant. On the side of Israel and the US the NATO states would be obliged to help, especially when they had sworn Nibelung loyalty before. Therefore, we in Europe have to brace ourselves for a participation in a war. What would a third World War in Iran mean for us? 1. Any war with Iran would immediately make the Strait of Hormuz impassable and the longer a war jeopardizes the region the more would it increase the oil price dramatically. An increase in the oil price always leads to higher costs for the economy and the consumer in general. Therefore, we have to be prepared for shortages, cuts and rising prices of necessary goods. 2. Any war leads to a higher demand for arms. Worldwide the arms industry – especially in the US – will cheer, will be working to capacity, will grow. This again leads to a growing production in neighbouring industries such as the car industry, textile industry, shipyards and aviation industry. Production grows, even if at a significantly higher cost. 3. Banks are the winner of any war. Nobody will talk about the production of toxic waste or banksters any longer, but central banks will have to flood the war with fresh money. Banks will be able to deal in credits again. A growing inflation will uphold the dollar until the end of the war. General cleansings of the sins of war finance usually come after a war. It goes without saying that the US will get their vassals to pay for their growing financial demands as it was the case with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Therefore, the war will impoverish us and not the US or Israel. As there is no money for a war, financing will happen via inflation like in the two previous world wars, so that we have to prepare for dramatic inflation. For a war in Iran the US would have to mobilise NATO (“collective defence”). Then governments would need to explain to their soldiers why they have to serve as mercenaries not only in Afghanistan but also in Iran, and they would need a majority supporting war expenditure in the Bundestag. The SPD and the Green Party (Fischer) once already decided upon an actual military intervention disguised as a “peacekeeping operation”. For a Third World War a majority might be more difficult to gain despite all the pressure from the US. In the German population damnation is probably predominant, which might lead to the removal of the obliging government. Merkel’s government might find a war as the last political way out of their mess after the bailouts, public insolvency, the looming financial collapse of the social systems, and social unrest as a result of missing genuine corrections. War is coming up. The next few months will decide if we will be drawn into a Third World War or if we can escape this danger.• [top] 2010 © Current Concerns. All rights rese Chat conversation end
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 16:45:08 +0000

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