Current Events: Black&Yellow Show (SCRIPT) *walk in* A: - TopicsExpress


Current Events: Black&Yellow Show (SCRIPT) *walk in* A: Hello P: and welcome T: To the Black and Yellow show A: I’m black P: And I’m yellow A: Let’s just jump right in P: Later tonight we have an interview with a man who held the tongue of a bear, but first let’s get into some current news. A: The first two articles we have are different, but related! Both speak about the popular Mexican grill “Chipotle”. P: It took two years to make Chipotle and Fiona Apple’s viral hit Now the burrito company needs to avoid accusations of green washing This video, made by the “Chipotle Mexican Grill” or “Chipotle Corp” has over 6 million views as of September 19th. Here we have Chipotles animated video advertisement. *Play (Need New) video* Many companies are unhappy with their video however. wrote: “Your latest video has not only classified the majority of farmers and ranchers as individuals with NO integrity but degraded their very lifestyle.” But it hardly matters. Because nearly 6 million people didn’t read the Farming America post. They watched the Scarecrow video. In that fact, Chipotle is defining this portion of the conversation. Chipotle gets that power because it’s far larger than most people think. Chipotle is a publicly traded company with a market cap in the neighborhood of $13 billion with more than 800 locations. They spent two years working on an advertising project that had no paid broadcast or print space, but would rely on word of mouth alone. They have money enough to gamble on ideas. Chipotle was keen on confronting the modern factory food movement and wanted to encourage people to think more critically about where food comes from. “Chipotle was very clear the intent was to initiate conversation and up the ante on “Back to the Start” (a different video they made about eating eco-friendly) and really go after some of these companies.” Unfortunately for them… They’re making enemies in the process. A: That’s interesting. You said that the next article was closely related to this one? P: Yes… Very closely related. In fact, it may as well be the same article with a reverse of bias! A: You mean, the first article was all for Chipotles step up to eco friendliness, but the next article is against it? P: Actually the next article is about someone who is against their message. And exactly what the meaning really is behind their words. A: Oh right! No one would be against greening the planet! Why don’t you read the other one out! P: Here goes! Funny Or Die Serves Up An Honest Version of Chipotles Scarecrow Ad Chipotle’s million hit YouTube ad has, as most viral video’s do, garnered unwanted attention. This attention comes in the form a Funny or Die parody. After posting their video Chipotle was accused of greenwashing their audience. (a greenwashing is: disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image). “Funny or Die” the comedians that they are, did not agree with the motives that Chipotle claimed to have. They expose psychological tricks that Chipotle uses to capture the public sympathy and turn it into a hi-larious comedy. Much like the video’s on the YouTube channel “Honest Trailers.” *play video here*. A: It’s always good to get multiple views on one topic because then our viewers gat a sense of what the story is really about. P: Yeah! I definitely agree! I actually found the Funny or Die article first and thought it was totally hilarious, but after watching the real video I was very confused. I didn’t know whether to believe that Chipotle was actually after making the world a better place. Or if they were trying to green-wash the audience in an attempt to get more sales. We have to remember that Chipotle is a 13billion dollar corporation, and that giant corporations have a tendency to lie. *chough* McDonalds *chough* A: Yes, I also agree that people should be careful when viewing commercials. P: Alright, so I’ve been waiting for you to tell us about your articles since right before the show started. *Looks at audience.* You see we both briefly make fun of each other’s articles before the show starts, like any good talk show hosts do. And today, this girl has decided to bring in a story on tea and police. Those were the only words I could see before she stole the papers…so please *smiles evilly* please do tell. A: Yes, I did bring in a story about tea and police, BUT, it is very relevant and actually quite interesting. Either way, I will be speaking about another news story first. P: Oh…is that one about biscuits and the president? A: No…it is about a teen hacker in Argentina. This 19-year-old “super hacker”, was making $50,000 (£31,500) a month by hacking thousands of computers using them as proxies. ( A proxy is a server that hides your personal IP address making it almost impossible to track your computer) He has been accused of heading a gang of hackers who target gambling websites and international money transfer. They are said to have used computer viruses to build up a network of zombie computers. This army of computers was used to illegally redirect money from accounts leaving practically no trace behind. It took police a year to catch the teenager who lived with his father (a computer expert) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The police operation included five raids and the arrest operation shut down the power of the entire neighborhood to prevent any sensitive data being deleted. The teenager was doing all of this from his bedroom, in which police found high-capacity computers. He is now being accused of three crimes, and if he is convicted of all may spend up to 10 years in prison. P: Fair enough. A: When I read this article I thought to myself: Anybody, anywhere can rob billions of dollars from anyone and never get caught. This man was working from his bedroom, not from some private island or other planet; he was like any other G.I Joe character. He was no Tony Stark. I think that the only difference between this teenager and his neighbor is not that he has super powers, but that he was born with a father that just happened to be a computer genius. He probably followed after his fathers footsteps and not only became a computer genius but, an expert hacker. What really enrages me though, is that this young man will go to prison for only five or less years because its difficult to find evidence in a case like this. Not only that, but, what do you think he is going to do when he gets out of jail? What do you think he will think about for five years staring at four walls? He certainly isnt going to sing ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall. The worst that could happen to this man is that he will get caught again. Funny thing is, that by then will know how to hide his trail very well and likely will not go to prison at all. You know, maybe the government will hire him in order to keep a good eye out for him, but would you really want this man in your government? P: So instead of using this “super-rich-genius-hacker” to spy on other countries, *cough North Korea cough* the government decides to arrest him and put him in jail? A: Well, I am quite sure that they are putting him in jail for some time. That way the people affected by his crimes will know he has been put to so called “justice”, and later on they will secretly hire him. P: Just goes to show that like commercials, we can’t trust everything the government says…Now to the prime minister and biscuits…that one is never going to get old. A: Fine. Before I tell the story though, I think I should explain how I came across it. The title of the article is “Tea and no sympathy from Indian Police” which for me is sort of ironic because tea is synonymous with sympathy in my world. Anyways, a restaurant owner in Kolhapur, India has been arrested for allegedly drinking tea in a suspicious manner. Sub-inspector Jadhav was disappointed with the answer cutting chai when he asked Vijav Patil what he was doing at a tea stall. So, the officer arrested Patil under a law that allows preventative detention of someone suspected of being about to commit a crime. However, at Bombay High Court, Mr. Justice Gautam ordered the police to drop this case. We were unaware that the law required anyone to give an explanation for having tea...we know of no way to drink tea suspiciously. Even when told that Patil was known to police, he stated Cutting chai is permissible, cutting corners with the law is not. P: How would someone drink tea suspiciously…?*Acts out how to drink tea suspiciously singing the spy song.* A: Anyways, actually, the minute I learned what this story was about, I laughed non-stop for about an hour because really it is kind of the opposite of my last news article. In my last one, police were not being cautious enough, but in this story police arrest a man because of how he drinks tea. This article really does show how in todays society many crimes cannot be easily prevented. What I took away from this article was how in many cases, due to peoples fear and paranoia (like in the witch hunts) one suspicious gesture (which really is for peoples discretion) can make you have a criminal record. Luckily, in this case, the judge was trusting in the citizens around him even if they have a bad reputation. The Public Services in a society need to trust in the civilians in order to run a well-ordered community. In addition, if the Public Services do not trust anyone how do they expect themselves to be trusted? P: I know! It seems sometimes the government forgets that WE own THEM! Not vice versa… it’s nice when the public is treated with respect and dignity! The way the taxpayer should be! *Phone rings* A: Pick that up would you! P: Fine! *picks phone* Hello? You must be kidding me! *Ends call angrily* Bear Tongue Guy Just bailed. A: Wow. I guess the crazy people really aren’t reliable. P: And last minute too! A: Well then! I guess that’s all we have for you today. P: To see more articles and summaries go to our facebook page. Black&Yellow. A: There you will be able to see our posts based on different news articles! P: Hope you enjoyed the show! A: This has been black and yellow. I’m Black P: And I’m Yellow! A and P: See you next week on Black and Yellow!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 21:53:50 +0000

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