Current History of the Second Revolution To understand how we as - TopicsExpress


Current History of the Second Revolution To understand how we as a society got to the brink of a second American Revolution, a historical accounting of the facts involved needs to be understood. This was greed by those we entrusted with our country. In Ezekiel 33 of the Bible, it talks of what our elected “watchers” should do. If they sound the alarm and the people do nothing, then the people’s souls are on the people for failing to listen. If the watchers fail to sound the alarm and people do nothing, then the souls are on the watchers. This is important, whether you read the Bible or not, in understanding crucial underlying duties of those we elect. In October of 1999, Congress deregulated the banks and stripped the remainder of the Glass-Stiegel Act (which separated investment and commercial banking activities) was our basis of our banking laws since the Great Depression. The deregulation bill called Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB) which was to enhance competition in the financial services industry by providing a framework was a bipartisan bill passed by over 75% of Congress, with a Republican Congress and notable Democrats like Kennedy, Biden, and Feinstein voted for it. Clinton signed it into law. The banking industry paid millions to achieve this deregulation. Greenspan, the head of the Federal Reserve publicly said the banks will not do what caused the Great Depression - they will not make the same mistakes and have ‘learned their lesson’. Most everyone knows when this bill passed because that’s when banks started issuing credit/debit cards. Previously, the banking industry and credit card industry were not intermingled. We had debit only cards for bank cards and credit only cards for credit cards. In the GLB Act it stated that The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) that certified banks can get deregulated. The CRA was all about banks ‘redlining’ meaning inner city areas were not able to get loans, so much so one could draw a red line on a map to know if the loan will be approved. Although Congress had tried to get banks to loan in these areas for many years before all attempts were met with resistance prior to the GLB Act. It was simply too risky for the banks to do these loans, but the GLB Act was a huge carrot, a carrot the banks couldn’t resist. It was the GLB, not the CRA which caused banks to risk all and loan in these districts. They wanted to be deregulated. Now that alone isn’t a bad thing, but what happened next was incredible. In the banks attempt to get the CRA certification to achieve deregulation, the banks were forced to lower the loan standards or the people in those redlined districts who couldn’t qualify for the loan. It was, after all, low income areas which were redlined in the first place. As a result of lowering the standards, and with tons of easy loans being approved in those areas, prices in those areas skyrocketed. This taught the banks how to make sales get big, really big, as house prices rose. Within a few years banks continued to loan across the nation setting the standards easier and easier to raise home prices. Whereas before the GLB Act a homeowner would need 20% down but the banks kept lowering the standards to 10%, 5%, 3%. Each time the bank sold a loan their sale dollars would increase. Each time the bank lowered a standard, the home prices of the area would increase giving the banks higher and higher sales amounts. Things looked fantastic. Stocks were rising, too. Any bank that didn’t do these things was left in the weeds. In fact, eventually the loans were at 105%, then ‘interest only’ loans, and for the last few months they sold what was dubbed as ‘pay whatever you want’ loans. At this point someone might be thinking how can the banks take such a risk? Well, the banks were not really taking a risk. There was another law passed on December 15th, 1999, which added fuel to these risk taking behaviors. For the first time in history the home loans were being resold on the futures market. Now this market is a market for non-tangible (not touchable) items, meaning it’s a virtual market with items being sold as future projections of a market. This eliminated the risk for the banks. As soon as a homeowner signed the loan papers, the mortgage would be resold on the futures market and the banks would be paid. The banks would stay collecting the loan payments from the homeowners as ‘mortgage service providers’. The catch to this whole thing is a bit tricky to understand. In order to sell the mortgages on the futures market, the bank had to remove the title of the home off the mortgage. In doing so, the banks held the title even though they’d already been paid off on the mortgage. This would cause a mortgage mess in the foreclosure process... if it were ever known. Just think about it. We have a futures market holding the mortgage without title, a bank which already had the loan paid off, and a homeowner with title who’s not making payments. This leaves ONLY the homeowner with clear title to the disputed home during the foreclosure process. So far, the best a homeowner has achieved is to remove the mortgage service provider from the loan, and the courts then demand the mortgage holder to come forward and assign a new mortgage service provider. Well, the futures market is virtual. It’s not real, so there’s nobody to come forward. The latest scam the banks are doing is in the fine print when someone buys a foreclosed home on the courthouse steps. It says the buyer is buying the loan and does not insure clear title to the home. Yes, things are still crazy in the industry. Let’s go back a bit to 2007 with every possible customer in the USA owning a home; the mortgage scheme is finally collapsing in on itself. Prices of homes which had previously risen dramatically, loans above the home’s value and a decline start. Just a little one and like a snowball rolling down a hill, it keeps on growing. By spring of 2008 the commercial real estate industry collapses. The mortgage insurance industry falls with it, being forced to pay out the losses. In July of 2008, Congress rushes through the Fannie Mae Bailout. The Fannie Mae Bailout was the first large bailout bill that stirred the ‘sleeping giant’. The bill cost $900,000,000,000. Yes, $900 Billion. If it had been the only bill, the ‘sleeping giant’ probably would have just returned to sleep. It was during the hot election where they were battling it out over the war issues, so eyes did not want to turn to the economy which was in full collapse. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were privately run, but this bill bailed them out and returned them to being government run. Like many of the bills since this bill, it was originally called New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act, which had nothing to do with the bill it later became. Now this is important to understand. Congress calls it ‘co-opting’, and this was the first time it appears to be done, at least recently. The websites tracking these bills took about 6 months to figure it out. The Constitution requires all fiscal (financial) bills to be written in the House not the Senate. The reason why is because the House represent people by population and the Senate represents the States. This is part of our balance of powers in the government. Since the people are the ones burdened to pay back all debt, including a State’s debt, it should only be House Representatives who write them since the States have no ‘skin in the game’ so to speak. With the Senate now ‘co-opting’ bills and completely rewriting them, one would think there would be a huge uproar about it. But nothing. Not a peep was ever said. Ezekiel 33. Shame on Congress. President Obama, who claimed to be a Constitutional Lawyer, signed it. Shame on Obama. By October of 2008, the whole mortgage industry was collapsing. It was like a tsunami washing across our shores. The first States to get hit were California, Florida, Arizona and a couple others. The people in the mortgage, real estate, and construction industries were being laid off in masses. These industries had become massive through the boom period with hundreds of thousands of workers now being wiped out almost overnight. With so many workers out of work it causes a ripple effect into all other industries. People can’t afford their cars, credit cards, pool services, gardeners, and yes, even food. Quite quickly most other industries begin layoffs. The States were getting hit hard with less taxes coming in due to the foreclosures combined with a dramatic increase in paying out unemployment benefits. This is what is called a systemic crisis where the whole system is affected across the nation. Before this point in the election between McCain and Obama, the primary issue was the war in Iraq. It was all the news spoke about... until October of 2008 that is. One month before the election. 2008 was also the first time in history Congress failed to pass a budget. In fact, no budget has been passed since 2007. The election was held and the next President was declared. President Obama. The next form of bailout bill was TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) aka the Bank Bailout. It was originally passed by the House as the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (protecting Americans from being treated unfairly.) This ‘co-opted’ bill provided massive loans to failing banks who were participating in risky loans and were no longer able to make payments to the futures market. This bill is the primary instrument in ‘waking the ‘sleeping giant’ of the public. Shortly after Obama’s inauguration the Stimulus Bill was passed. In February of 2009, it was signed into law. Its function was to promote ‘shovel ready’ projects in order to stimulate the economy. President Obama has since publicly stated the shovel ready projects were not as shovel ready as he had thought. This bill is considered to be an economic failure and waste of money. As most know now this wasn’t a ‘stimulus’ bill but an earmark bill. An earmark is a way for our elected officials in Congress, including the President, to pay back companies which funded their elections. A congressman inserts a special project into a bill after receiving funds from lobbyists hired by the corporations. These are called ‘earmarked contributions’. This is bribery with a middleman. Although lobbying is good, as in ‘to lobby’ is to talk to your Congressman, lobbyists do so with a lot of money in the form of campaign contributions. There is nothing in the Constitution about bribing our elected officials, but there are laws against it in the USC, United States Codes, although Congress has made laws to exempt themselves through campaign contributions. The first movement to be formed was founded by Ron Paul. He had been quite thrifty during the Presidential primaries and had $8 million left over in his campaign funds. He founded Campaign for Liberty. Their messages were simple and clear. Audit the Fed and defend the Constitution. This group was small but filled with enthusiastic people completely dedicated to the concept. They went to any and all meetings they could find outreaching everywhere they could. The next movement of the people was founded on February 23rd, 2009 called the Tea Party. Their mission had three goals, fiscal responsibility, free market, and a limited government. The Tea Party was primarily people from the right side of the aisle although they clearly wanted everyone to join in the beginning. The people on the left wanted to give Obama a chance which is normal. Had McCain won, the Tea Party would have been primarily from the left with the people from the right wanting to give him a chance. On April 15th, 2009, 1.5 million marched into DC protesting the future taxes needed to pay for these bailout bills. The people consisted of mostly elderly, unemployed and small business owners struggling to keep afloat. Local Tea Parties across had cropped up by then all over the nation participating at Post Offices nationwide. By 2010 the Tea Party Patriots, the largest national organization, had an email list of over 19 million. The media acted like every Republican who was new to the office was elected by the Tea Party stating a huge Tea Party victory. The Tea Party’s focus was on ousting Congress during this election. The reality was not the same. The Tea Party only changed 1% compared to a normal election turnover rate. Let’s discuss the game of politics for a moment. It’s quite simple. One side mimics the movement, while the other demonizes it. Political operatives immediately move in on any movement for a takeover agreeing with the people in the movement (copying them) while political operatives on the other side preach hate for the movement (demonizing them). Combine that with drawing the district lines so virtually neither party is ousted, and it’s a mighty force which has held America in its grip for decades. In 2010 the Census was taken. The Census is required by the Constitution to do a head count of every single person in the United States. It takes the count and draws the district lines based on the population of the area for State and Federal elections. The problem is all guests in the country are also being counted so this naturally has Representatives representing their whole district not just the citizens. Currently we have 20-30 extra Congressmen in the House of Representatives. With the Tea Party growing by leaps and bounds any and all signs being held about Obama were called racist. To further fuel the fire so the people would not unite, plants were put in crowds to show clearly racist signs which the media jumped all over. The Tea Party countered that move by holding signs pointing towards the racist signs to show the plants were not with the Tea Party, but by then it was too late. The media already had done the damage to stop the people from uniting. The people on the left hated the Tea Party, and the Tea Party hated the people on the left. By this time the Campaign for Liberty people had worked their way into the Tea Parties across the nation bringing the concept of the Constitution into play. Almost all Tea Parties have a firm grasp of the original intent of the Constitution and how it has degraded over time. Since it was obvious by then the Tea Party was still growing and affected a 1% change from the normal election turnaround, the political powers needed to take them down and had enough power within many of the groups to do it. Agenda 21 was released. It was a theory which people could see on the local levels and combat having to do with property rights, water rights, and all kinds of other infractions. It showed how to fix the country not at the top, for those elections were rigged, but to do it at the bottom. It claimed there was no way to fix the top so why bother? This was spread around for the Tea Parties across the nation taking off like wildfire as a better solution than trying to fix our federal government. After massive protests across the nation against this bill, on March 23rd, 2010, the Affordable Care Act – (ACA) healthcare bill was signed into law. Like the others before it, it was co-opted. The first vote on this bill was for the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009. It’s been since dubbed Obamacare. What was ridiculous about this bill was the Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi who said if Congress wants to read it, they’ll need to pass it first, since it was 1600 pages long. Yep, it passed into law without being read. Later, it was declared a tax by the Supreme Court, and it’s the first time in the history of the United States any American was mandated to buy a product from a corporation. The most interesting part of this whole thing was one Congresswoman had another bill which said she wanted to remove the part of the monopoly law which exempted the insurance industry and baseball from being declared monopolies. The insurance industry was in no doubt a monopoly, if they hadn’t been exempted, so to give a monopoly to every customer in the United States simply is a very poor solution. But we all know the insurance industry paid Congress millions to get Obamacare passed, don’t we? Next, Congress worked to strip away the American’s rights. The reason why is pretty simple to conclude. The only way to collect the taxes necessary to pay for these huge bailouts is to remove the rights of the citizens and force them into servitude. The Patriot Extension Act passed on May 26th of 2011 by striking ‘May 27, 2011’ and inserting ‘June 1, 2015’ to change the deadline. This bill allowed the government to gather information on citizens and to monitor them in order to look for ‘terrorists’. On August 2nd, 2011 Congress pushed through the Debt Ceiling Bill. The Debt Ceiling bill was completely misleading to the public through the media. It started as S. 627. The ‘S’ means it originated in the Senate, but it was dubbed ‘Boehner’s Bill’, who is the Speaker of the House. After the House passed it, the Senate did not vote on it but voted instead on S. 365. Then the media acted like the House was doing a second vote on Boehner’s Bill, when in fact it was a first vote on a completely different Senate bill. A bit of a bait and switch was clearly done. Before any votes occurred, President Obama said publicly that the USA could “no longer pay SSI on August 3rd” without borrowing more money and the USA was at risk of defaulting on its loans. This still makes no sense. If you borrow money on a car why would you borrow money on the credit card to make the car payment? One would say that’s some very serious financial trouble when the fact is completely not true if you can still make the payment without touching the credit card. It is still unclear why any bank in the world would loan the USA money without a budget to show that they’re able to pay the loan back. Shortly after the Debt Ceiling Bill passed, the S&P then downgraded for the first time in history the USA’s AAA credit rating to AA+ stating the budget cuts in this bill were not enough for the USA to keep borrowing more money without eventually defaulting. More downgrades have occurred since, such as the downgrade of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which is now taxpayer owned because they cannot keep their obligations without borrowing money from the federal government so the government took them over. They were originally government run but had been privatized years before and are now government run once again. Eventually, another group organized an event for September 17th, 2011, on Constitution Day which threatened the established political parties. This event was touted and promoted in the news and it was called the US Day of Rage. One side promoted it as a day to worry over, and another embraced it, depending on the media source. The Day of Rage’s goals were simple, one citizen, one vote, one dollar, meaning only citizens vote and only citizens donate small amounts. It was a huge threat to ‘politics as usual’, but like many movements, political operatives were already helping to promote the event and establish themselves as leaders. The people didn’t go home from the event like at Tea Parties and the media quickly changed their name to Occupy. Within a couple days the US Day of Rage had lost control, their mission lost in the process. Their takeover by the left had to be swift because a uniting with the Tea Party would have devastated both political parties. Pelosi and Obama both endorsed Occupy along with the Communist Party and Nazi Party. The nails were put firmly in the coffin to insure the people did not unite. Their locations were inside the cities and every homeless person now had a place to go with food, blankets, and even police protection. The homeless flocked there, since usually sleeping on the streets was not done at night due to danger. Combine those pictures with the youth, which were the primary core of the movement, and it was no wonder why hate pictures permeated the right’s media. It wasn’t hard at all to get a picture of our youth doing something outrageous, like pooping on a police car. It was after all, our youth rising up against the collapse of the economy, going to college like good kids, weighted down with huge student loans (yes, the car and student loan industries had gone wild, too) and now having to support their families on jobs that were no longer there. Occupy on the whole felt since the Tea Party had failed to fix Congress they would try to stop Wall Street. Now realize, the Tea Party was standing against Congress for taking bribes from Wall Street, and Occupy stood against Wall Street for giving Congress bribes - it’s a two sided coin. That is the primary reason why the bills are written with loopholes, stuffed with special favors called earmarks. Lobbyists are hired by corporations to buy Congressmen through campaign contributions. Congress writes in special favors into bills and receives campaign contributions in return. This adds to their retirement fund. Congress also gets an annual budget of $250,000 per year to keep in touch with the people of their district. This helps insure any opponent running against them are completely underfunded. On the local level where the Congressman lives rarely is a negative article written by their core political stations. What happens in DC stays in DC. It seems to take about 1 ½ years for the people of the area to have a firm public knowledge that their Congressman did wrong. By then, the people forgive (with political operatives help), calling it water under the bridge. Why? Because we can’t let the evil other side win an election now can we? In reality, there is no difference between the parties, even the game on the public is the same. While the country was watching the ball fall at New York Square, December 31st of 2011, the NDAA 2012 was signed by Obama into law. This bill removed our right to trial. The claim was that if an American is working with an enemy of the United States then that American should be treated as a terrorist. The power was given to the military to enforce such atrocities. Besides removing our right to trial, it effectively made the USA a ‘war zone’, and did not clearly define a ‘terrorist’. It could be anyone. Anyone speaking against the USA could be held indefinitely without trial. Anyone the politicians wanted. This really opened doors which should have never even been considered. Occupy did a prank by throwing a smoke bomb over the White House fence, and also around that time a Congresswoman was shot in the head by a stalker, while some around her were killed. Another bill was signed into law in March of 2012 to remove our right to protest at federal buildings. This includes all our Congressman’s offices and the White House. It was HR 347, dubbed the Trespass Bill or Anti-Protest Bill. For the first time in history, it was now illegal to protest at the White House. A great American tradition was gone. Again, those resilient Campaign for Liberty people had faithfully gone to Occupy groups across the country holding up their Audit the Fed signs and preaching the Constitution, once again bringing the message of freedom and liberty to the groups. With the 2012 elections coming up, the Tea Party firmly watching local elections and by then Occupy was under control, the elections really went off without a hitch. Obama was reelected and the turnover rate in Congress was back to normal. People had protested, rallied, signed petitions, written letters, emailed, called, and yes, even occupied to get their voices heard. They had failed miserably to get anything accomplished. Not one single bill people wanted had passed, and not one single bill people tried to stop was stopped. Although some would think by 2013 people would have given up - but they had not. On September 11th, 2013, 1.2 million bikers went into DC. What started this was the Muslims had chosen to do a Million Muslim March (only 147 even showed up), so the bikers did a 2 Million Bikers Rally. It was completely insulting to Americans for Muslims to use 9/11 to protest their treatment. What made this historical were these biker groups who came together- and under any other circumstance-hated each other, but united for this cause. Most bikers were really there to tell the politicians enough is enough if the truth be known. ‘We can unite’ was the message done by their actions. Their permit was denied, which brought even more bikers to DC. Politically, in order to deny bikers were even there, DC played old tapes of the area on the ‘live’ traffic cameras. Some of the pictures even showed snow on the ground. DC wanted the people to think the biker’s rally was a bust. It was not. On October 5th, 2013 the debt ceiling was once again. Yep, they’d spent all that money already. With all the political bickering and the people still rising up the government shut down. In all this time, still no budget had been passed and they were spending at a much faster rate than they were bringing in. Some believe it doesn’t matter, because taxpayers only contribute to 10% of the federal government’s income, but it is another smoke and mirrors game being played on the people. Sure, businesses pay a greater amount, but when they get taxed more, they simply raise their prices. It’s called inflation, also known as the inflation tax. Since the first bailout bill was made law, gas prices have doubled, along with food prices, stamps, and other necessities. So with this shutdown, it affected everyone. Even lookout points to Mount Rushmore were coned off. The WWII Memorial in DC was barricaded with panels. The Vietnam Wall, too. These are open air areas for walkers. Then to top it all off and anger people even further, the President allowed the Mall to be opened up for the Immigration Rally on October 8th to try and pressure the House to vote on the Senate’s immigration Bill. About 15 in Congress spoke at the event. Over 200 were arrested, including 6 congressmen, for doing civil disobedience and sitting in the street. It was really hard on the Capitol police, since now they had to jail and process all those people - while they were not even being paid. This struck a chord with the vets. How could they open the Mall area for the Immigration rally while insisting it stay closed for vets? Everyone had enough of seeing vets being denied. On October 13th the Vets marched on DC, with about 800 truckers who had started their ‘Truckers for the Constitution’ rally by driving around the beltway on October 11th through the 13th. Even some bikers returned once the rain stopped. Thousands went to DC and took down those barricades at the Vietnam Wall, the WWII Memorial, and the Lincoln Monument, carrying them to the White House, and putting them along the White House fence, barricading the White House instead. The Capitol Police came in to stand in front of the White House and the vets yelled, ‘Shame on you!’ for them standing against the vets. However, the police stood down leaving the vets alone. On October 17th it is expected the standoff between the House and President to be over. That is the day the President says we will be ‘insolvent’ and no longer able to pay our bills without this next massive Debt Ceiling to be raised. It is expected to be passed like all other times in the past 5 years. A bill will be done at the last minute, and the people will be responsible for paying even more debt. They will pass the Senate’s bill; once again, breaking the Constitution since it’s only the House that should hold the purse. This is important to understand. Since the Senate represents the State government, and those State’s actions will eventually cost the taxpayers money, it is wrong to have the Senate be able to write purse type bills. Only the House, which purely represents the People, holds the purse... or one would think. As is obvious in this historical account, the Constitution, which is the core instrument of our government, the law of the land, has been shredded. The people have been ignored, and a Revolution is pretty much inevitable. Our currency cannot survive the inflation without collapsing either into a second Great Depression or a hyperinflation. The people cannot continue when they’re unable to vote out these politicians and are losing their rights. A second revolution is brewing, and what we all must remember is that we are all Americans. There are very few Americans who feel this government is doing a good job. Almost all Americans feel we need to remove the sold signs from our government and fix the voting system. In fact, it is our duty as Americans to fix it. One possible conclusion to this shredding of the Constitution, which greatly accelerated in 2008, is that we were indeed bailed out by someone else. Someone is co-signing the USA. The government has been getting loans with no budget, no books for the banks to see. The government has taken sides with Al Qaeda, our enemy. The citizens have been being called traitors and now have whistle-blower type citizens such as Snowden in exile. The NSA is being used to spy upon us. The IRS is being used for harassment. Drones are being used to hunt us down. It is not known why these changes are happening, it is only known that we do indeed have a mock government working for us, pretending to be on our side, while siding with enemies of the USA. Even if this conclusion is wrong, and it’s only these big international companies who’ve bought our government, the result is the same. We will inevitably be in a Revolution.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:08:04 +0000

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