Current religious crisis alien to Nigeria - Gowon Written by - TopicsExpress


Current religious crisis alien to Nigeria - Gowon Written by Biola Azeez - Ilorin Monday, 04 November 2013 01:38 font size Print Email 1 comment Rate this item 1 2 3 4 5 (2 votes) раскрутка сайтов Former Nigerian Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon, has said that the current religious tension in Nigeria is alien to the country. Speaking at the Nigeria-Prays rally for the North-Central Zone held in Ilorin at the weekend, General Gowon, who is the Chairman of Nigeria Prays, added that Nigeria was undergoing trying times, as it was burdened and battling with myriad of problems. The former military ruler listed insecurity, Boko Haram, militancy, corruption, misappropriation of public funds, crimes, unmitigated violence and man’s inhumanity to man as some of the country’s problems. In his topic entitled: ‘Trust and faith in God to take care and charge of Nigeria,’ he said “let us pray for the current religious tension in our country, something that is quite worrying and disturbing and alien to Nigeria in the recent past. Let us pray to God to help us contain them. May our Lord touch and change the hearts of those who are inclined and involved in this vice to refrain from such evil. Let our religions be for peace, love and respect for one another as Jesus loves and taught us. Pray against all forms of injustice, barbarism, cultism and idol worship.” Said he: “We shall particularly pray for the leadership of our dear country at all levels, the executive, federal, national and state assemblies, states and local governments, councils in business, corporate and private, and in all other areas: The church, all religious centres and organisations in the home and all other areas and places where leadership is involved. We must pray for our president and his vice and all who serve with them.” “Let us also pray for our politicians and the politics of our country, may they be guided mainly by the desire for good and interest of the country first and self last. May they be truly democratic in character and action and deed and ensure our politics and policies to be truly democratic.” He prayed to God to grant the leaders the wisdom and fortitude to rule aright and acceptable to God. “May God grant our leaders past and present the true spirit of leadership and care for the people; bless and sanctify all mankind,” he prayed.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 07:35:43 +0000

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