Currently, members of Congress are going out of their way to avoid - TopicsExpress


Currently, members of Congress are going out of their way to avoid their sworn duties under the U.S. Constitution. They are searching for any way possible to avoid their duty and authority to immediately move to the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama and the removal of and criminal prosecution of all co-conspirators. ------- So, why are Tea Party stalwarts Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Trey Gowdy working so hard to find a way out of doing their constitutional duty to impeach? Why did congressional Republicans adjourn and leave DC on Thanksgiving recess without putting a stop to Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional action? Two of the three are lawyers… Because Barack Hussein Obama has so many co-conspirator in his many acts of fraud, usurpation, abuse of office and treason against the United States and the people, all of whom are guilty of misprision of treason under 18 U.S. Code § 2382, it is impossible to know who might be able to legally succeed Barack Hussein Obama to office once all evidence of treason and misprision of treason are presented in an impeachment investigation and trial. In short, everyone knows he should be impeached, removed from office and held on criminal charges after being removed from office. However, once the process of presenting evidence of treason and misprision of treason begins, no one knows how that process will end or who may be left standing to succeed Obama to the Oval Office. As a result, massive efforts are underway in congress to find any solutions other than impeachment of the most impeachable administration in U.S. history. However, due to the extreme nature of Barack Obama’s actions and their direct threat to national sovereignty and security, members of congress cannot avoid their constitutional duty to impeach without becoming complicit in the crimes. They too, will be guilty of misprision of treason, should they fail to immediately move to impeachment, allowing Obama’s actions to stand in direct violation of the law, the Constitution and the will of American citizens. Many Americans believe that congress can simply escape their responsibility by refusing to act. However, congress can only refuse to act if the American people allow it. If the American people act, congress will be forced to act, or face the outrage of the American people along with Barack Obama. When the Rule of Constitutional Law fails at the highest levels of government, the people have the right and the duty to alter or to abolish, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. by JB Williams Read the whole article at:
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 22:34:16 +0000

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