Currently there is a discussion going on regarding equality and - TopicsExpress


Currently there is a discussion going on regarding equality and feminism in the gaming industry. Some of you that read this will shrug it off and not care because you dont play games, thats your decision. Others will sign and think here we go again. To those that do have an opinion on it, Ive stayed quiet regarding my stance for a few reasons. Im all for equality. Im all for female empowerment. But I refuse to wade in to the depths of this discussion because Ill just get pulled under by the monster below. However I wanted to say one thing. The reason for making this post. If you have an opinion. If you voice that opinion. Im proud of you for speaking up. But Im also disgusted by people that I have on my friends lists on here and twitter sinking to shit throwing levels. They start with well written and thought out points and then mentioning the other side try to devalue and shit throw by insulting them or mocking their stance trying to devalue the opponent rather than empower their own. That doesnt nullify their stance. It nullifies yours. If you are so scared or offended by what they say you lose the ability to actually use words and logic and have to resort to insults and jokes then youre done and Im so sick of it Im going to just start removing people from friends. People on both sides with actual valid points are being drowned out by a wave of shit picking them up and slamming them in to the other. Theres a discussion going on that needs to be had and the reason Ive not said anything before this is because I dont believe it can be had at the moment, and especially not on places like Twitter because of the other nonsense going on. Its like having a book club meeting at a Rammstein concert sure some points may get across but there are better places to do it. I could rant about this all day and thats not the reason for making this. Short Version: I expect better from people. Especially when their jobs consist of things like PR and writing. You should know better than to sink to insults when an actual discussion is trying to take place. And I dont care if Ive known you for 20 minutes or 20 years. If I see you spouting shit or mocking the other side Ill just remove you. And then youll have one less person listening to your opinion.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:28:15 +0000

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