Curries life in snapshots... what a dog... Her life ended Sunday, - TopicsExpress


Curries life in snapshots... what a dog... Her life ended Sunday, October 26, 2014. It was a beautiful day. She was more affectionate than usual, but I couldnt get her to eat. She needed to take her meds, so I persisted, but I could tell she was winding it down. We had decided Monday would be her day to go to the vet to help her cross the Rainbow Bridge, but she had other plans. About 4pm, after awakening from a nap, I found her lying on the floor with labored breathing. I sat down with her, and soon Buster and Linus joined us. Currie lay still, and Linus and Buster quietly sat with her. Buster laid his head on her, as if he was trying to get her to lick his ears, just one more time (she loved cleaning out his gross ears and keeping them irritated... and for some strange reason he let her do this even though it was painful at times for him). She stood up and stepped on Busters foot. I realized Buster was ok, and went to scoop her into my arms so we could go to the kitchen for another attempt at eating. I picked her up and stood quietly. She looked up... sighed.... and went limp in my arms. She was gone. Just like that. I fell so incredibly honored to have met this dog, much less be her mama for so many years (since 2002). She was born blind, coming in with a litter to Spartanburg Humane Society in 2001, not realizing yet that she couldnt see. As soon as they realized she was blind, she went into rescue. Long story short, she ended up with us when she was about a year old. She suffered glaucoma in one eye and we had it removed so it wouldnt be painful to her, and she rolled right along. She may have looked a little funny, but she was the most beautiful lemon beagle in the world to me. She loved to spin in circles, her way of expressing excitement since she couldnt see. Sometimes she would spin so fast you couldnt even see anything but a furry white blur... Her bark was typical beagle awooo! awoo! But muffled and quiet, so it was charming. She snored as loud as a freight train. She guarded the porch like no other weve ever had - much like Snoopy when he pretends to be a vulture. She reminded me of snoopy - it was obvious that Charles M. Schulz had a beagle that inspired Snoopy! No matter what she was doing, with military-like precision she would snap into SIT position when the cheese treats came out. Rest peacefully, sweet Currie. Enjoy all the colors and beauty. You are forever etched in my heart...
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:05:07 +0000

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