Curtsy Suresh Parmar. Dewas 10.08.2013 The Editor Free Press, - TopicsExpress


Curtsy Suresh Parmar. Dewas 10.08.2013 The Editor Free Press, Indore Dear Sir Uma Bharti is well-known to be an eccentric or freak character from whom it would be foolish to expect consistent or rational behaviour or statement. Breaking her record of 54 years, though, she, for once, has given a praiseworthy reaction. FP (10 August) reports that on 9 August a Modi-fearing MP CM reached Bhopal Idgah to greet Muslims wearing a Muslim skull cap. At that time the third-rate Hindi film villain-actor Raza Murad was present. The two hugged each other. Taking advantage of the MP CM’s hunger for minority votes, Murad showed his real-life villain-ness and said, “Those who wish to become Prime Minister should learn from Chouhan. Wearing a skull cap does not change one’s religion. Chouhan has come to Idgah to greet human beings and not puppies. Seeing such dramatics of two incongruous ‘friends’, Uma Bharti gave her reaction: how a ‘C’ grade actor standing beside Shivraj in Bhopal could criticize Modi? She added that she would raise the issue of Modi being ridiculed in front of a chief minister at an appropriate forum. That Chouhan’s intentions are not innocent is clear from the fact he is deliberately avoiding Modi in every way possible and siding with Advani, who is at best a spent bullet and a sinking ship. Moreover, in the sixty-six-year history of Independent India Advani has nothing to show to his credit except the simple fact that he was the deputy prime minster of India for five or six years. Even Mayawati and Lalu can take credit for being chief ministers for longer periods than that. So there is no logical reason for siding with Advani and avoiding Modi except that Chouhan is jealous of Modi or he believes – like the other moron politicians of India -- that by being seen with Modi he stands to lose the ‘precious’ votes of the Muslims. I am convinced that there can be no greater proof of the Indians’ unintelligence than Modi-baiting. These morons choose to deliberately ignore certain irrefutable facts. First, Muslims inhabit each and every part of India – there is no part of India where the Muslims do not live and do not celebrate their festivals with enthusiasm and freedom. Gujarat has its full share of Muslims and Ahmedabad is a Muslim name founded by a Muslim ruler. If it were true that the Muslims really hate Modi – or Modi hates the Muslims – and they vote against Modi or the BJP – as all ‘secular’ politicians of this unintelligent country would have us believe -- then Modi or his candidates should have had no chance of forming a government. But he has formed government thrice in a row single-handedly – even making enemies of RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and suchlike organizations. These morons – if they had a modicum of brains -- should seriously ponder how this is possible. Second, in the raj of the ‘secularists’, an innocent Muslim girl was summarily put behind the bars just for posting on the Facebook “Why is Mumbai bandh today?” As soon as she was released due to the pressure of the people, she chose not to live in ‘secular’ Mumbai but shift – where? Not to such ‘secular’ places as Rajasthan, UP, Bihar, Delhi, West Bengal or Andhra Pradesh but, of all places, to a ‘communal’ Gujarat ruled by ‘Muslim-hater’ Modi! Truly, the secular Indians take the cake in possessing unintelligence and the Nobel Prize awarding committee should start giving a Nobel Prize for unintelligence, which would go, naturally, to the Indians. These secular Modi-haters – if they seriously hope to govern India in the future – had better begin showing concrete performance and result-delivery on the ground to the people – instead of engaging in such stupid ploys as showing the fear of Modi. The days of winning by slogans and ‘social engineering’ are soon becoming passe. Over the last twenty two years, ever so slowly but surely, the people are awakening and wanting real change in their lives. After another twenty two or fifty years it is absolutely possible that India and all Indian States will be ruled by the likes of Modi – if India manages to remain sovereign democratic republic, that is.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 03:04:54 +0000

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