Custom Tattooing- Let me start by saying that I Love tattooing - TopicsExpress


Custom Tattooing- Let me start by saying that I Love tattooing and it has been very good to me over the years. I have an Amazing group of clients whom many of have become close friends or even Family. I appreciate every one of you and am glad to have ya. With that being said, I feel I need to talk about the other clients that seem to be making the rounds the last few years. Now this is in no way in reference to All new clients cause there are many good people out there but this is to the people that feel that Tattooers are Below you or in some way Owe you something. First off, if you are not PAYING us for our work..and leaving a deposit that comes off the price of the tattoo is NOT paying for 6-10 hours of drawing/research etc. then do Not expect us to be at your beckon call at all hours of the day and night. Do Not start off the conversation, especially not in an email with Demands, insults or the like. By this, I mean if you start out with a compliment and then tell us that you know we charge X amount an hour but You are only gonna give us Y or I know this is how you like to work or when you work but if you want my business then you will do What I want when I want. When I get these emails etc , I just Delete them, even if you were wanting something I would really be interested in Tattooing, I figure you are More Trouble than you are worth. I completely understand that not everyone wants to spend a lot on a tattoo so as in any other business there are high end shops/artists and there are Low end...and everything in between. So, if you are looking for a High end tattoo but only have a certain amount of money to spend, then tell your prospective artist that you are working with a specific budget and ask if they can accommodate you, if not then you can either save more money or find a more suitable artist within your means. You dont need to berate the artist if they are not willing to lower their rates and before doing so, please imagine your Boss asking you to work for 60% of what you normally make and then if you say No, they get mad and start to tell you off. Yes, that would suck wouldnt it? Also, do your research before approaching an artist. If you dont see anything in the artists portfolio that is what you are looking for, like Lettering for instance then that is most likely, not always, but most likely because it is Not that artists strong suit or they may just Not like doing it. If they tell you this, you Should appreciate the fact that they are being honest with you and Not get Irritated and demand it or once again start with put downs. And Please, for everyones sake, Have a strong idea of what it is that you want Before approaching an artist. We do Try to have some sort of life besides just tattooing and many of us have families and would much rather spend time with them than draw all night only to have you change your mind or tell us it isnt what you were thinking because you didnt put enough thought into it previously. And finally, be Patient. You are NOT the Only client the artist has, you are not the Only drawing he or she has to work on and being in a Rush or Pushy can very well turn what was an exciting piece for the artist into an annoyance that he or she may just want to Bail on. Anyways, like I said, this is in No way to ALL clients but it seems to be becoming more and more prevalent as of late. So, Thank you to ALL the Patient and Cool clients everywhere, you have no Idea how much your Artist Appreciates You! Ron Antonick Sacred Skull Tattoo
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:37:51 +0000

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