Customer: Hi, i had a little bit of an issue with my unit. Me: - TopicsExpress


Customer: Hi, i had a little bit of an issue with my unit. Me: Ok sir, what happened? Cusotmer: i made my drink, and when i went to take the lid off, it shot off quickly and the drink inside sprayed everywhere. Me: That very odd! Ususally the ingredients dont get pressurized. Since the containers are sealed, something would have had to create the pressur in the first place. How long did you wait before making the drink and opening the container? Customer:, oh it was right away. I made the drink, took it off th unit and went to open it right after it finished. I didnt wait at all. Me: Thats good, make sure you always do that. if you leave the blended ingredients in a sealed container they can ferment, which releases gas and can cause the pressure you are referring to, but it takes time. I wonder what could have caused that to happen. What did you have in the drink? Customer: just some fruits, some greens, and an energy drink. Me: An energy drink? Customer: yup, i always put some energy drink in my smoothie so i get extra energy from it. Me: What knid of energy drink was it? Customer: Just an energy drink. Why do you ask? Me: Sir, this energy drink that you were using, was it carbonated? Customer: Nope, not a single carb. It says no sugar. Me: Thats great sir, but not quite what I was asking about. i was asking if the drink was carbonated. You know, like a soda. Customer: Oh no, this wasnt a soda, it was a sugar free energy drink. Me: Im not sure you understand sir. I mean does it have the little bubbles in it like a soda does. Customer: Of course! Dont all energy drinks? What does that have to do with the container exploding? **facepalm** Me: have you ever shaken up a can of soda and then opened it sir? Customer: Yes. Me: What happens? Customer: it sparys everywhere. Me: Yes, it sprays everywhere, just like the conents of the cup that you pressurized by blending a carbonated liquid in a sealed container, and then opening it. Customer: But that doesnt make any sense. Me: Why not, sir? Customer: Well, the liquid wasnt in the can anymore... -_- Me: Sir, its not the fact that its a can that makes it get pressurized when you shake it. Its the liquid that releases the gas. It just happens to be in a sealed container, usually a can. This time it was your container. Customer: I still dont understand. Me: Just avoid using any liquids with bubbles in the unit, and you will be fine. Its probably best anyways, since those energy drinks are really bad for you. Customer: They are?!? Me: yes sir, they are. Customer: Why dont you have some kind of warning label on the unit or in the user guide that says that then?! Me: Sir, I dont even know how to answer that. Customer: Great! That means I am right. What are you going to do for me. ((head hits desk)) Me: Sir, there is nothing that needs to be done. Just avoid using carbonated beverages moving forward. Customer: Thats rediculous! You people owe me money or something!! I want to speak to your boss. ((oh, thank God!)) Me: Absolutely! One moment sir. **never been so happy to send a customer to my boss in my life!!!**
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:54:42 +0000

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