Customer: Id like a venti caramel macchiato. Me: Do you want - TopicsExpress


Customer: Id like a venti caramel macchiato. Me: Do you want that hot or iced? Customer: Hot. [a Starbucks caramel macchiato is a sort of a variation on a vanilla latte; theres vanilla syrup, then instead of espresso theres steamed milk and then you mark the foam on top with shots of espresso and caramel sauce. A lot of customers seem to think it should be sweet and caramel based which is understandable but wrong; its meant to be layered and complex and a mixture of both bitter and sweet, however many customers seem to stir it, which is a valid choice though it defeats the purpose...or they ask for extra caramel. When I have time I talk to customers about the drink which they usually find surprising and if they want it sweeter version I recommend they order it upside down: with the shots on the bottom.] I was on bar so I made the hot venti caramel macchiato. Customer: Oh! That was supposed to be iced! Usually when a customer wants a new drink or a drink remade it doesnt bother me at all; its actually part of our job so I just take it in stride and try to joke with the customers and keep the good vibes going. The only time it bothers me is when theres a long line and the customer makes a mistake and blames me for it She didnt say it was my fault here and in fact since shed been asked and said that she wanted it hot I figured she must know that shed just made a mistake and that was ok...her tone implied otherwise though but I chose to ignore it, thinking that she might be embarrassed that she made the mistake and was trying to stave off any angry customers who might be pissed that she was holding up the line. An iced version is actually faster to make because you dont have to steam the milk, so I remade the drink in a hurry with a smile and a no problem and was happy; Id fixed a drink and an experience for a customer AND this woman could leave happy. Customer: Oh, no you messed it up again! Its supposed to be decaf. I managed to remake the drink and convince her it was one of the best experiences of my life and hers! But if looks could kill they would have removed that woman on a stretcher.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:23:24 +0000

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